Why do Americans hurt themselves like this? Just use solid construction materials

Why do Americans hurt themselves like this? Just use solid construction materials.

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My house is brick and came with a free fallout shelter.

post flat bong

depends where you live brainlet

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Brick is the ultimate building material.

If we brought back slavery we could put the money saved on construction toward better quality materials

We’ve learned long ago that good building materials are no match for niggers.

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For retards

Looks like You havent heard about... Cardboard.

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That house looks like it has asbestos siding on it, which means it's probably from the 20s or 30s. The fact that it's still standing is actually kind of impressive considering the chances are nobody has lived in it for many decades.

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I just want to say that the house in that picture has asbestos siding on it and would require hazmat gear to handle removing it along with proper disposal which can get very expensive as I've discovered from remodeling very old houses in the past. So there's that...

Oh, someone already pointed this out I see. I'm still worried I might wind up with mesothelioma down the road or something from working with that shit lol...

We have building standards, some states brick is inferior. If we had zero standards, we would have brick homes coast to coast.

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this is nice but the landscaping is doing 90% of the work here

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No. It's near the former K.I Sawyer B-52 base.

Poor people are going to use the cheapest materials unless there's some regulation or incentives.

as if anybody posting on Any Forums didn't live in the suburbs or some other rural shithole

honestly I think most of it is a larp considering a majority of people in the country live in or around major cities. Any Forums does have a high concentration of southwest mutts that reside in california/texas.

People did that, it didn't just happen you fuckin abo

the people building the house are rarely the ones who are going to live in the house so corners are cut

>and would require hazmat gear to handle
Does anyone actually do this? I feel like 99% they just pay some poor sap under the table to get rid of it quickly.

Wood is solid.