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Other urls found in this thread:

But you str8 trash constantly jerk off to loli and even spam talk about "cunny" even in blue boards.

Pay attention Any Forums. This is a nord white man. Not a jew. Not a pajeet. Not a chinamen. and Not a nog. Whites do this and are degenerate in and of themselves

You forgot living in the pod and being happy.
You're a fuck up, Ahmed.

No sleep for the wicked.

They weren't kidding about a Great Reset.

>TL;DR: The spike protein from COVID-19 and the injections cause auto-immune disease. Everyone has AIDS.

>"On Tuesday, a real zinger was dropped onto the medRxiv preprint server that could potentially explain many of the commonly observed pathogenic features of SARS-CoV-2. The authors provide solid evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates the envelope (ENV) protein encoded by HERV-W in blood cells, which is in turn directly responsible for many pathological features of the disease."









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just remember what happened after weimar, boys

You'll never get a chance to consolidate power like you did with Covid for the rest of your life. That was your shot. You can fucking drop it now. It's over. You lost.

are you saying the vaccine made him do it?

The right has unironically been a anti-intellectual movement and it is hilarious. I hope your political views make you feel special, different and superior compared to others. We are so lost.

Social science faggot here. The journal he was published in was very low ranking.

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First off, pedos aren't straight. There is nothing normal about wanting to have sex with kids. Secondly, those people deserve the rope right along side you.

Get out of here fed

>someone does something degenerate
>university investigates
>somehow this is bad
can Any Forumstards even read at this point?

All the funding panels and professoriate are kikes and race bolshie, sex bolshie gramscian occupant actants. This is the only remaining way for midwit whites to ride the pseudo-academic gravy train. University funding treasuries and benefactors, the government scholarship boards, the administration and corporate parters and any state courts that might be appealed to are all pozzed globohomo filth.
>no homo

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based shotachad

>Pay attention
I am paying attention. How is this old bald faggot still working on a degree?

Urugay talk about spaming while no thread is safe from his faggot spam

This guy has literally been banned from Any Forums over 2,000 times

>hurr Uruguay is a big country
look at the page they're almost all indisputably him
He bothers us now because he's been rangebanned from Any Forums

Trust your made up god thiest XD

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All hail Science Man(pbuh). May the heretics be punished for their insolence.