They set traps and false flags all the time

At this point its fucking impossible to figure out whats real or fake. Seems like every movement is planned or orchestrated by them.

Attached: 10.jpg (1024x454, 143.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:

first pic
second pic

What? Take meds

If it looks good for them it's real if it looks bad it's a falseflag

Been that way since the "berniebros" caused Charlottesville

Where is

Attached: 1e1.jpg (680x494, 138.75K)

Only one way to deal with this my fellow us patriot we have to throw petrol bombs at police officers and invade the FBI office
I hope you know how to make petrol bombs

You cleaely have never seen the CUM edits
>you know bomb went off outside sector headquarters this morning..
>do these insurgent fools really believe they can reclaim this miserable planet?

Who's bullshitting the most? I think it's become very obvious by now.

Attached: 1660382580970204.jpg (1080x1861, 272.54K)

Does it work like those russian bombs?
Because if it does i already know how to design one

No take yours

Attached: 7f1.jpg (680x513, 95.88K)

i kek'd

I am very disappointed in how zoomers turned out.

Attached: nickcum.jpg (680x494, 429.54K)

Attached: 1652837257253.jpg (1024x748, 263.68K)

This one would make a good CUM edit

Attached: 1657322955007.jpg (1800x1325, 866.07K)

it doesnt even need it. i thought it was cum ready

>ben garrison accuses himself of being a glowie

It's all cope. If it makes you look good it's heckin BASED until you lose the optics, make asses of yourselves, and get thrown under the bus by Trump himself. Then suddenly you were helpless lambs led to slaughter by the feds.
This is also why the "civil war" will never happen. Anyone who actually makes good on the chest beating rants you see here and on the conservative internet is immediately disowned as a glowie by the same people doing the chest beating.

Attached: youretellingmesomeonewoulddothat.jpg (452x286, 24.6K)

Attached: cum.png (1800x1325, 2.59M)

kek subtle. I was thinking of making it US CUM RESERVE but didn't know what else to do. I don't have the drawing skill to create any additional letters in that style so all i could do is repurpose existing letters.


It means it's working.

Attached: 200.jpg (600x602, 185.09K)

what's real is amerimutts coping about their inability to do anything

Lance Storz wasn't a false flag. John Roemer getting shot wasn't a false flag.

Basically if they try to memory hole it, it's genuine.

I don't see anything different.

Improved version.

Attached: cum2.png (1800x1325, 2.59M)

No they don't, you conservative fucksticks are really just this stupid 100% of the time.
