Fix this in 50 years

Fix this in 50 years

Attached: map-of-brazil-country-outline-with-10-largest-cities-including-brasilia-capital-city-2A7R3NM.jpg (1207x1390, 112.82K)

remove niggers, done



Braxil has always come close to becoming an actual power in the world. When they are nearly there it always falls apart.
Nazi blood can only do so much for a Country.

How the fuck do you fix that shit

Move in a billion whites or chinese. kick niggers. Make mestizos have 1 kid only.

Literally impossible

niggers and indios you mean

Nuke everything north of curitiba. Spend 49 years 364 days hunting for survivors.

ethnically cleanse everyone and put a ton jews there

pretty soon it will have a thriving economy with important global infrastructure placed there and be bombing all its neighbors

Brazil is ok, just nuke Saw Paolo.

Release a lethal and highly contagious virus that activates itself only when certain dna chains that are only present on african and indios descendents are detected. You also fix the world with this.

It is perfect as it is.

Libertarianism, unironically. 80% of this country's problems can be traced back to politicians and the elites.

Sterilize all the nonwhites/mystery meat.

Kill everyone above capricorn

>When they are nearly there it always falls apart.
Thanks, CIA.

Brazil was a mistake. Can't fix this shithole

It'll never be fixed

Attached: fec.jpg (484x1000, 92.79K)

tbf Berta looks ugly as fuck

If you replace indios with cum niggers you get gay shit, trannies, skyrocketing divorce rates, stupid expensive rent, nonexistant nuclear family, whores. That degenerate race can stay in their ice wastelands

Purge and kill the LGBT and degenerate niggers.

Apply a nationalist government.

Purge (((them))), cause they are a threat not only for Brazil, but for the whole world.

This is just a start to how fix this goddam shithole :)

that would leave like 15% population left

Brazil, a country with huge resources and navigable rivers to facilitate trade, has a fundamental geographic problem. Unlike the Mississippi, where you can just move north all the way to Minnesota, within half a mile or so of the Brazilian coastline, the land rises dramatically, like, several thousand feet. Pity.

mandatory nigger castration

Import 100 million asian women