Battle Plans

Post your ideas on how the civil war II/race war will be structured and play out. Here is how I think it will go down.

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it will never happen

Yes it will.

You don't need a map. Just bomb the unprotected high voltage lines leading to major cities and watch the pet niggers eat the enemy.

I would want to kill all the meth addicts in the northwest and just defend that area. Guerilla war the chinks in the woods and they'll leave.

This would actually become a sport among the lads. Hunting Chinks innawoods.

The aftermath of the war.

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There will be no structure, only anarchy and ruin.

It won't happen. People will keep jerking off to porn instead of fucking real girls, ordering Grubhub instead of cooking their own food, and fantasizing about "fighting back!" while ultimately staying inside and doing nothing except fapping and ordering more delivery food.

we are all gonna sit this one out feboi. Your niggers and spics got it. No nothing going to happen from us, we just gonna vida and pron.

Why does everyone include kansas with the northern states? It could be debated but I think kansas would follow Texas's lead. Hopefully

Yes because internet access is surely going to remain ubiquitous. It sounds like you are typing out your own fever dream, nigger.

Anacortes here, fuck off we're full.

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Hard pass, you filthy balkanizing kike. Not one inch of land for you divide and conquer jews.

How do you retarded niggers think a civil war's gonna go? Easily drawn battle lines, a 2-week diversion that, after which, everything will return to a sense of normalcy, and you'll be able to go back to Walmart or wherever it is you spend your neetbux? Fucking idiots

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That's Ukraine in 2 more weeks


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Woke and corpos will take over the cities while Americans, Canadians, and free citizens will flee to the country side.

Blacks, Muslims, and LGBTQ community will fall to in fighting and internal violence as they and their fascist antifa shock troops start their pogrom against the few western dissidents remaining in the cities. The lights go out.

The citizens cut the power, water, and all strategic supply to the cities. Mutanous elements in the military over throw the fascists and begin the naval blockades of the ports

The internal violence between identitarian groups intensifies. The rich flee and sue for clemency in surrender. Free citizens in the cities take in newly red pilled traitors fleeing the woke.

New cultural defenses against woke fascism are created among the free citizens outside the cities. Supply to cities to arm the city bound anti woke resistence.

As wokesters starve and grow ill their internal beefs intensify into genicidal slaughter. Most of the Antifa have been slain. The blacks and Muslims are the dominant factions and begin pogrom against Jews, and Homosexuals, but come to serious blows against each other over christianity. Plagues of monkey pox, polio, disentary, and thyphoid run rampant.

The final push, free citizens intensify the seige/blocades. It has been 8 months and plans for the final push are complete.

The cities are quiet, the last of the anti woke citizens in their well defended and supplied neighborhoods send out patrols in force to probe black and Muslim enclaves. They meet little resistence, mostly sick desperados begging to be taken back into the fold of western life.

The final battle

The free citizens move back into the cities with new police and military forces formed by the free militia. The few remaining woke survivors surrender most without a fight.

The after math.

Tried for treason most of the ring leaders and corporate backers are put to death. Wokes are exciled to Africa. Peace reigns.

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>Wokes are exciled to Africa
Noooooo! Nooooo mooore taaaalk! We go in! We kill! We kill them!!!

Embarrassing op. Did you spend more than 5 mins on this?