Why are niggers so bad at chess? There are literally barely any black GMs

Why are niggers so bad at chess? There are literally barely any black GMs

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Chess is boring.

You already know the answer OP why did you make this pointless thread?

why are the jews clearly the best at chess?

Systemic oppression Chud.

I think this is an interesting question, if it is true. From a scientific point of view, what would cause this, if this is true? The politically correct answer is 'nurture', but how would we know if 'nature' is the answer? There shouldn't be anything political about this.


Chess requires forethought and anticipation of what your opponent might do next depending on the state of the board.

Niggers can't think about anything other than in the present, so naturally chess would be difficult for them. Also too many pieces with too many rules. We all know niggers can't follow rules

Chess is Egyptian.

It's a game of pre-empting potential strategies.
This requires long-term planning ahead.
As evolutionary traits go, if you believe in evolution, planning ahead was never stimulated in the African.

Is this nigger a real player or just a model? The positions of figurines on the board look unlikely

Because niggers never understand rules


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At the competitive level its a VERY G loaded game.

This is why the bellcurve of ranked players matches the IQ bellcurves so well.

Women of all races are sorta shit but around the same skill. And the highest are all males of just a few races.

> we were pawns and sheit
social media

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Nigger losing to a English opening, maybe. Black pawn in a closed echelon is very unlikely, unless both players suck.

This appears to be the position.

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Have you met niggers?
If you're still asking dumb questions like this you obviously haven't.

This guy is a top ranked chess grandmaster. I know you chuds will refute it, but there is no denying reality. Deal with it.

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Exposure, most black American youth are in poorly managed public schools with 30 year old textbooks and 25 seats for a class of 38 students. Chess and non sports extracurricular are non-existent.

It's the same for golf, fencing, legitimate debate teams, etc

Love these pictures, need to 'shop in smoke coming from his fingers

you are measuring niggers by the standards of other species. It's a bit unfair.

White goes first.

Almost like there is some sort of systematic oppression going on or something...

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He is down a King, Queen, and 2 bishops. How good can he be?

Most poorly managed public schools have old textbooks and 25 seats for 38 students because of black American youth.
You've got your causality backwards; a common mistake.

He's giving the other guy the biggest handicap of his life.

They prefer dominoes.

Because they can't afford chess boards in the projects.
They need more gibs.

I didn't know Magnus Carlsen was jewish.. Oh wait he isn't, nice try judio

Queen to C3, bait the exchange - if black declines rook to C8.

Alot of black speed chessers, I don't think they do well with strategy, just rote play

Chess doesn't get you laid. My BBC helps me pipe white bitches on the daily

OK smart guy, how is black going to capture his king if IT'S NOT ON THE BOARD?
Check and mate.

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And Egyptian high social classes were white. I doubt nigger slaves from the south invented and played it.

We aren't taught how to play. Not many of us know their grandfathers (the last generation that isn't entirely a bunch of gibbering stereotypes), and many of THEM played chess. Most of us are the product of ignorant teenage single mothers, produced by ignorant teenage single mothers, and most girls, much less MINORITY girls, don't actually HAVE hobbies. They just consume, and have nothing to pass on to kids besides their irrational behavior and entitlement. I'm sad that this is what my people CHOSE to become...yet they have the nerve to get angry at American blacks who educate themselves and have success, and africans who come here with NOTHING, yet do the same, while they sit around with their hands out to the government and blame everyone but themselves for their place in life and their lack of success or financial stability.

Actually even when raised by chess master parents or when enrolled in the inner city chess programs taught by masters blacks dramatically under perform amateur white players that haven't been given any formal instruction. It's genetic. Chess was first invented in India and was refined and practiced in Europe. It's literally an Indo-European invention so it's obvious Indians and Europeans would excel at it.

You have to think while playing chess. Niggers can’t think. Simple as


if niggers vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

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Underrated comment

I respond with Qe1

>what sector of society would suffer?
Criminal justice attorneys, hospital emergency rooms and the auto insurance industry.
Bicycle manufacture might take a hit, they will not have to spend so much time replacing stolen ones.

that file name is hilarious

Jews would lose their most potent weapon against Christians.

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>chess is boring
No it isn't. You just have to be good enough to get past the opening without being at a definite disadvantage. Once you get to the mid-game it is quite exciting.

While it's true blacks aren't taught to play chess outside of inner city chess programs neither are whites. All the white players I know are self taught and I mean they taught themselves EVERYTHING about the game including the basic rules. The only black chess player I knew also taught himself and he wasn't bad for an amateur. If you want to learn something you usually do have to teach yourself. Although I'm older and learned in a more traditional way with a little practice playing video game chess now with computer chess and youtube tutorials you can learn the rules over the course of a few days and get pretty good within a few months.

black is clearly better in this position

>I respond with Qe1


They're really not but there's a prohibitive cost to actually playing in tournaments and acquiring norms

>t. chessfag from inner city chicago



ba7, check

never mind, i am retarded

>why are the jews...?
Very few kikes play sports. Chess is like a sport for them.
If white people gave up all sports (which is not a good idea) we would do even better in chess.

White people are the default character for action/rpg games.
>ranked #2 in almost every category
We aren't a one-trick pony relying on one excellent attribute to get us through. We want to be really good at everything we do, and we try to do everything.

check me, fag