Nobody cares about our elections

nobody cares about our elections

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Literally who?

You mean Zionist 1 vs Zionist 2 just like every other country on earth.
You're right nobody cares

>more than a month away
no shit nigger

I remember when thousands of Italian restaurants said no to mandates, that was based.

i do like pizza tho, pasta is also nice

Based potato nigger
I care
Hang in there Mick

You are too lazy for make a thread about it but not for complaining like the good med you are.

I care, and I will vote PD

I know, i too don't care about them

Aside directionbrain vooting for meloni chan what are other (even if meme) options? Like casapound and similar?

because there isn't a single decent party. I'm not gonna vote

>lui non vota pd
trovato il subumano

voting is a palliative and democracy a scam

Death to kikes

I'm gonna vote Renzi

The right has already won

Well the right wrote "jewish-christian european values" or something like that in their program (thanks to Meloni).

They have already won


It's your fault,
Even Bulgarians were running there bulgarian election general

yea goyim trust the (((elections)))

I care about you meddaddy

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Nope it's literally a satanic ritual

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>(((voting))) for (((representative democracy)))

"Difesa e promozione delle radici e identità storiche e culturali classiche e giudaico-cristiane dell'Europa"


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they are the least incompetent for sure, I voted them in the past because there was objactively no better option but it felt dirty then and it would be unberable now


I do care about Ireland's elections

kek almost makes me want to vote PD unironically

/blackpill moment starts

I'd love to unironically see M5S at 60%, watch the country implode in 2 nanoseconds and getting invaded or annihilated to be honest

/blackpill moment ends

In ogni caso zio cannone.

italians are niggers and considered tomatoes poisonous until the 70s

Taco moment

I don't care about democracy at all. I don't care what brown people you vote into your country's office, and democratic politicians are all lying parasites anyway.

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shit, I have to dance now... fuck you

That's antisemitic, goy.
Look at this link and laugh (cry)

vote them padua niggers and call it a day no?

i wish i could just vote for draghi to stay at this point

So I heard he's back

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You will end with a hellish scape as always

>nobody cares about our elections
Because they are illegitimate

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did anyone here knew any m5s cultist irl?
I mean the types screaming their propaganda in every corner of the internet and callling anyone critical of their religion idiot,corrupt "vi spazzeremo via" etc
I only know people that voted them because they are dumb and gullible and now regret it, but I'd love to see the absolute state of all theor cultist now after realising everyone but them was right all along

well no wonder there, shitaly

you'll be having another election in a few months when your government falls apart