The Years of Lead

This is a thread in which I will be reading your highly intellectual discussions about the Years of Lead. Avanti!

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Are you a VPNigger?


How did you learn about the years of lead in Italy?

Via football hooliganism.

I saw a documentary about western europe and commie movements after WW2 and it mentioned the years of lead in Italy.
Imo it was a free-for-all between Kremlin-backed commies, Langley-backed mafiosos and local fascists
I haven't gone deeper into it besides a couple of stories about vatican money laundering and crime, as well as infamous murders of judges and police officers.

take a photo out of your window with timestamp

>Mussolini crushes mafia in italy
>allies invade italy and mafia is back in action

Why do anglos do this?

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What's the name of the documentary?

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Apologies I can't seem to remember.
It covered the French elections as well af the Italian, also the terrorism in Spain and the commie agitators in western Europe
Oh it also covered the red army faction in West Germany blowing up burgers

Ah, thanks anyway. I'll search.

Three tickets
Opinion on tickets being 6 lei? How do you pay for that shit? I find it so annoying. When I imagine the driver's face as I drop 6 coins of 1mdl into his hand I kek

OP what is the years of lead?

Attached: based-department-courier.jpg (600x349, 50.85K)

Stay on topic.
Google it.

the only thing that guy wrecks is his life. I hate seeing normal, innocent people just kill themselves with obesity and other garbage, what a truly evil society we live in.

>using google in 2022
just explain you fucking gypsyigger.

You are free to leave the thread.



>OP what is the years of lead?
It was a period in Italy recent past that Fascists and Communists killed each other.
There was backing of CIA and Soviets in the factions. Also there was unusual links, for nowadays American's point of view, of groups working together.
e.g. Masonry and Vatican both financing anticommunism in Poland through money laundry of Mafia's activities, some fascist groups trying to join in the International Socialist, J.R.R.Tolkien's literature being used to recruit people into neofascist groups, Juan Peron being initiated in a mastermason that was a fascist too.
And lots of great Cantautori in both commies and fascisti.

>in a
*by a