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don't care, still not using t*****r, faggot.

Imagine being so patriotic that you support treason.

pfft! this will never happen. the feds will stop it and they will even bring in the military if need be. Aint happening. this woman is delusional and fucking stupid,

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Jewish State on suicide watch.

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in two more weeks

Imagine starting a civil war over Zion Don.

why do they mistake trump for obamna?
wasn't it obamna that spied on trump?

Imagine being so cucked that you support the bloated U.S federal bureaucracy full of constitutional oath breaking pedophiles and you're canadian so your opinion doesn't even fucking matter, ever.

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yeah who says this after 2020? and if state seceded some foreign power would absorb it quickly and just burn the constitution.

>and if state seceded some foreign power would absorb it quickly and just burn the constitution.
would israel really do that though?

Unifying the Jews and Mormons is their endgame user.


literally no-one is going to do this. It literally doesn't make sense because seceding wouldn't prevent Trump being charged. I mean, I guess if Florida did . . . but DeSantis isn't going to secede over them taking out his main competitor for the presidency.

Secessions may happen if the federal government tries to force through laws to make abortions nationally available again. Although desu I think that would just end up in the SCOTUS again.

>niggers and spics 1776 posting
Loving this time line

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oh you did the israel thing on Any Forums, ok.

Not going to war for an egocentric billionaire.

I don't like trump either but the fact that you think it's "treason" makes you a fucking moron. It's quite obvious the democrats are selling out to China, I don't think trump who is a real estate magnate gives a fuck about china cause they don't make his goods. The people who are selling out are the corporate faggots in the pool with companies like Microsoft who want china to keep giving them cheap labour.

its just kabuki for when they indict Hunter Biden. nothing will happen. nothing ever happens

it sounds absurrd, but I think most people even politicians who are just going through the motions realize the american experiment is breaking down
this could be the flashpoint they have been waiting for, a event that speeds forward history and disrupts our usual dull lives

it's no longer about trump at this point, it's about the federal government, if they can do this to Trump they can do it further down the road to other politicians

It's not 1859 anymore.
The illegitimate federal government is completely corrupt and can not be salvaged.
They have intentionally collapsed the food and fuel supply chain.
They purchased $700,000 worth of ammo for the IRS and are training 87,000 new agents to kill Americans.
The communist DNC coup who rigged the election is completely out of control and will NOT stop.
You can't vote your way out of tyranny.
The most peaceful solution is for States to secede from the federal parasite.

If that happened Britain would need to get involved because you retards would have truly failed as a nation

You're country is probably being taken over by another foreign country too so you can't even say you don't
