vote. there is no argument against it.

>elections don't work
>voting is for retards
>politics doesn't work
these are not valid arguments.
voting is extremely easy and is the method you have available.

Attached: DontVotePsyop.jpg (503x360, 27.16K)

I don't believe in democracy.
Neither party support my views.
I don't care if Russia and China expand their influence.
Iran and DPRK should have nukes.

Attached: 1658556308127688.jpg (430x454, 39K)

aww he still has faith in the system how cute :3

Turnout is the only result in democracy.

none of those are valid arguments.

if you don't believe in something that exists, you're delusional.
you don't have to vote for republican or democrat.
whether you care about russia or china is irrelevant, those are not the only political issues.
and your last point is completely off topic.

>you have faith in the system
that was never stated, and it is irrelevant wether you have faith in the system.

it is easy to vote and it does make a difference.
there is no valid excuse not to.

>turnout is the only result in democracy
if you're all really this stupid, then maybe you shouldn't.

virtually every response against this is moronically thinking only of the presidency, forgetting that there are city, county, state, and national elections for offices of many kinds.

if you thinking voting doesn't matter then you're a dumb mouthbreather.

you can also run for those numerous offices yourself. you mean to tell me you wouldn't do anything good?

Democracy does not exist. A quarter if the country votes for the blue jew. A quarter of the country votes for the red jew. Half of the country, the majority, do not believe in democracy and have no representation. Not my fault you are a low IQ nigger that doesn't understand this.

you just proved democracy exists.

ever notice that since the data shows the left is going to lose hard in the mid-terms the shilling against voting got turned up to 11?

Voting doesn't matter. Neither the red jew nor the blue jew will stop the demographic replacement and the European genocide. Half the country doesn't vote. We don't believe in democracy.

yes, it's been that way for the last 30 years.

>50% of the population doesn't even vote because they have no representation
>that means it works
Nigger for brains

so your pan is to sit on your ass and get handed to you whatever Team Jew gives you. You are more pathetic than the suckers thinking the electoral process isn't compromised

you're discarded for contradicting yourself repeatedly.

learn to read

Use credit unions.
It's the only way to defeat the jews.

Attached: fortune5-4074.png (1667x2067, 166.24K)

Any Forums is mostly jidf/chink/shareblue shills and the rest are dunning-krueger paranoid schizophrenic NPC's who swallowed all the brainwashing here.

I think it is funny because the same phenomenon happened in 2016, but not 2020. But now it is dialed up higher than I have ever seen before. I guess the word from on high is to turn the blackpill demoralization effort into overdrive.

>making up jewish lies
Cope, nigger for brains. Democracy doesn't work, the overwhelming majority of this country don't vote, and you're a faggot that supports candidates responsible for demographic replacement and white genocide.