What did Epic mean by this?

What did Epic mean by this?

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lol i gotta dress up like them for halloween or something oh boy

Source please

overwatch reference

Attached: signma-ptr.jpg (1300x600, 175.99K)

Is that Shitney Griner?


Tweeter this at them thanking then for their realistic depiction of trannies and wait for the cope and seethe

Tranny sisters ...

Just a modern european man lmfao

ya got darn ryt bwoy

Isekai ojisan looking motherfucker

It's good that I can finally play as a sex offender. That's the representation the industry needed. Video games have finally grown up.

Don't worry, guys. I'm making a videogame myself and it won't so much as acknowledge gays or trannies or globohomo ideas in any way. I will single-handedly save vidya. Hope you appreciate me doing all of the hard work for you. Someone had to.

the ultimate misogynist

Epic's evil plan is to teach an entire generation of men to be attracted to minorities

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My char got the same jew face and an afro

the day before?

>Shoot the Jannie's!

No, lol.

Holy fuck


i bought the battle pass just to get the evie skin and show my booty (made for BBC) to all fortnite players and get aroused by it >.< uwu so hot im squirting precum from my clit rn on g*d fr no cap bussyin'

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>Any Forums is an anonymous English-language imageboard website.

His clothes shrank in the wash

This is unironically how /fng/ posters act. Not even capping.

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