He's mentally ill but trannies who chop off their dicks aren't?

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you're all mentally ill. kys



Not gonna lie, you got most of it right. Except I got over the jealousy phase, I understand my problem just unable to fix it and will never commit suicide.

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where did you get this picture of me

Post face lol

False. I am literally Dennis Renolds.

Are you the sephardimutt I was arguing with the other night?

Kill yourself faggot loser autist. Make real friends and go outside you fucking schizo Fed nigger. Become an hero

No, I'm not jewish.

Being a transphobic chud is indeed mental illness

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Fucking retard judging by the path you're on get out more

I’m trans and I’m transphobic lol. Interacting with other trannies made me that way. Same how interacting with Jews made me antisemitic

Ok fuck day work

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why'd you make a meme about me

>posting nigger loving Jewish propaganda porn

Why are Any Forumstards like this?

why do you give me so much undeserved attention

Why the fuck I feel like this though. I have the IQ and the potential, yet do fucking nothing with it. I was never bullied for appearance and have been told I look fine, yet I feel fucking hideous. I know I'd like to have relationships but I absolutely don't let anyone close and always think I'm fucking it up.

Join the military if u are so great

you got it right, kike

Their cyber psyops division really has good training, they know the profile of their enemies by memory

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You have to first ask yourself why did you withdraw from society in the first place. For me it was the fact that my retarded parents made me join school being almost 1 year younger than my peers, so I was the little guy that was easy to bully. This scarred me for life during my young years, and when I saw there was a world in computers and vidya I just completely isolated myself from people.

I understand my problem and the root and I've tried to fix it, but I simply can't. Even when being nice, people are obnoxious to be around. I'm fucked up for life.

Ok I'll play along...

I don't get much anxiety, or maybe I just put it into physical activity as cope.

People are impressed with my accomplishments and tell me how good I'm doing, but I constantly feel like I'm not living up to my potential.

I don’t watch television or have any form of social media. You faggots are all I have.

Nobody knows what's wrong with themselves.

I can guarantee you that if I ever kill someone it won't be myself, so many other people deserve it more.

I can't fucking stop saying inappropriate things.

I have a pretty good life, but who hasn't fantasized about a different one.

I'm reasonably attractive, but I go to the gym and take care of myself so that puts me in the top 25% of today's faggot s o i boy generation.

I've never taken an IQ test.

I have more irl friends than I want, way too many. I turn my phone off to get away from them.

I don't lie much. What the fuck does scared to be found out mean? I'm not hiding anything.

Is it jealousy? Idk? But, yes seeing dumb fucking niggers get paid millions of dollars to jump around screaming obscenities like a fucking monkey and calling it music makes me upset.

I was never bullied.

Rarely get a moment to myself.

OP is a fucking faggot.

All enlisting did was remind me that I was a tranny

i felt that way, then i took the pinkpill and now i feel like i have a purpose in life

I think its time for you to leave

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I look like this


pick-me troon

Looks like one of davis aurini's skyline backgrounds

Stop complaining

the fuck is the pink pill? this internet culture bullshit is getting ridiculous

Have you tried rope therapy?

He became a tranny

You asked...

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Can u stop being Russian slaveholders and be France

>I don't get much anxiety, or maybe I just put it into physical activity as cope.
Neither. Exercise helps reduce anxiety post exercise. It's a natural coping mechanism for the stress that is exercise.

jesus christ

the novelty placebo wears off, and then you are truly alone. I'm sorry.

Nigger, quit stalking me

Trannies = ban this word
Use >>> Eunuchs

not really. i just made peace with the fact that im different. i havent transitioned tho
wtf no retard i havent done that and im not doing that holy fuck


Lmao depends how these next couple years go. If things don’t go as planned I’ll detrans and go the way of people like Timmothy McVeigh and Philip Manshaus.

Nah, if I’m gonna go out, I’m gonna take some other folks with me.

Gnarly af, but honestly fucking stupid way of handling it. If you’re gonna get the pp chop, go to a doctor and have it properly inverted.


You are a Eunuch.
Being trans is a severe mental disorder, I hope you can be cured from it or at least learn to cope with the masochistic desire to Eunchize yourself.
Good luck.

Jesus had nothing to do with that.

Spoiler alert his nuts are next.

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>avoiding hrt

I dislike the idea of pushing meds onto other people, but if you genuinely have dysphoria, talk to a shrink about getting it prescribed or order some shit online.