Will we get a new first lady when he wins in 2024?

will we get a new first lady when he wins in 2024?

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The walls are closing in. Anonymous sources familiar with the investigation claim that Trump will be in handcuffs within two weeks.

>Trump reply bots actually moved to his own shitty platform
I'm actually starting to feel embarrassed for you shills lol

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lmao same these fags are mentally ill lmao, they banned trump off twitter only to migrate to HIS app lmao. These are 100% bots


I think they just miss the smug sense of satisfaction of arguing with someone who doesn't reply


That doesn't even fucking make sense
The continents are attached and detached differently in every frame

Whole idea of continental drift is unmitigated wet horse shit.

Baby Earth was smol

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Anyone got that Eminem thing?

His lines are still ready!!

why do people even feel they need to make up conspiracies like this?

Yeah, Ivanka.

Continental drift isn't a conspiracy, it's just an inaccurate model. The Earth formed as a gas giant with a dense nucleus which expanded retaining it's original mass but lost density. The gasses condensed as the Earth cooled so forming bodies of water. Smaller astronomic bodies have less gravity which explains the huge lifeforms present during the Earth's infancy.

Science and Academia are a racket

>unmitigated wet horse shit.
>just an inaccurate model.
why are you backpedaling?

Waiting for the call that never comes....

Shit’s flat mate. Always has been.

Cause it's interesting and cool. All theories are like that and continental drift was developed the same way.

You literally worship chimps

that's an awful hot coffee pot

Slower maybe but not backwards. Why're you employing female argument strategies? You a Cunt?