What are your thoughts on using homosexuals in war as they will love each other and have higher cohesion??

What are your thoughts on using homosexuals in war as they will love each other and have higher cohesion??

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Secret Bands of Kikes

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You'll notice that Thebes no longer exists as a sovereign nation state after using an army of faggots for their national defense strategy...

from other factors. faggots fought well in battle

These faggots BTFO out of the Spartans, twice! First time was forgivable; sometimes the other side has better tactics. But the second time? Unforgivable, Spartafags... the thebefags used the EXACT same tactic.

They were crushed by the Macedonians and despised by their countrymen, all else is historical revisionism by leftists.

They were utterly decimated

Monkey pox strain 0.00 killed them all.

And both were surpassed and crushed by Rome, who only fell once they'd adopted similar customs.

I’m only gay because women just don’t have the capacity to “love” the same as a man. I just wanna feel like my emotions matter.

>What are your thoughts on using homosexuals in war as they will love each other and have higher cohesion??
Men who fail Jared Taylor youth camp will be repurposed into sissy couriers and comfort boys on the front lines. They will get some hormones, and no surgeries, identify as men, and present as women. At 21 years old they must dress like boys again and will be assigned a barren wife by the Fascist state.

Deploy the monkeypox squad

>What are your thoughts on using homosexuals in war

Sounds like they'd be useful for clearing mine fields.

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Sounds like cope. Seems like it could cause problems, similar to having a women in the squad that everyone will SIMP for in a firefight even at their own peril. Then again, I could fight next to my brothers and I have faith that I wouldn't 'SIMP' too hard for them, so maybe it's possible to do that without fucking everything up. But that also raises the point that if you could make brothers of everyone and increase cohesion and fighting spirit that way, why would you make fags of everyone? Again, sounds like gay cope. Like "there were some fags once upon a time who did this thing so we should all be fags UwU"

that's some big projection buddy. are you okay? did you get molested by a homo?

Sure why not?
I ain't got anything else going on. thinking to myself lately, "why am I saving up to buy a house if everything I achieve in my live will be squandered on my retarded neice and nephew who are being raised by retarded leftoid human trash, my junkie brother and his whore gf who has a fucking face tattoo and fake tits will likely receive all my worldly possessions when I die of aids at like 50 or just rope it out of sheer loneliness.
Dying in a fake war for profit is the least we can do for corrupting society so much.

You are a crappy shill. I saw some guy last night who made like 40 posts in one thread step up your game. No (You) with this reply. You gotta work for those shekles.

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Mike Hoare liked to recruit homosexuals for mercenary work. They were "enamored with the romanticization of it all" -- less likely to flee for their lives without a family to go back home to and more likely fight to the death so they can feel like a badass mercenary.

Hoarse was a opportunist and recruited anyone and everyone he could, he had zero choice and couldn’t afford to be selective

True but the man openly stated his preference for gay men as soldiers in one of those african interviews.