How do racists reconcile this?

Early humans migrated out of Africa and over many thousands of years they adapted to their environments, resulting in the various phenotypes of today's people. Human deems are much more similar to each other than different, so racism is just silly.

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>Look Mom! I posted it again!

This is the equivalent of saying that I should feel no superiority to an ant, because at some point in the past we all evolved from some random single-celled lifeform.

The original African homo sapiens were white, this is common knowledge

out of africa theory has been widely debunked. humans are all mutt descendants of cro magnon which came out of europe

whites = 98% cro magnon, 2% neanderthal

blacks = 81% cro magnon, 19% homo erectus

asians = 88% cro magnon, 8% denisovan, 4% neanderthal

The figure is wrong. The Earth was populated as a part of a contest between five (or more) spacefaring species at war with each other. The rules were simple: to take the preexisting genetic stock (Homo Erectus, aka Bantus) and mix it with portions of their own to create hybrid races. These races would then be established in the stone age in distinctly distant geographic locations judged to be supportive of life.

The race which prevails with the largest numbers at a predetermined time will determine which spacefaring species wins the vast resources of the Earth. If the Bantus win, the Earth will be left alone to its own fate without galactic guidance.

btw, your graph disproves out of africa. homo erectus DNA is found in africans, but not euopreans or asians. if homo sapien mated with homo erectus on their way out of africa, homo erectus DNA would be found in all races

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This. Blacks are a human subspecies.

Have you heard the 'Cro-Magnon' was from Atlantis theory?


A cartoon map with lines... Well shit. That proves it!

Dang! Did you pull that out of your ass?

yes, as well as hyperborea. and i'm open to the ideas, but until more concrete evidence of these continents are found i'll stick with out of europe theory

"out of africa" has been proven to be bullshit

Sorry, OoA has been deboonked a couple of years ago.

Homo Dindunicus

multi regional hypothesis

Sadly I bet most of the evidence has already been destroyed by the Jews. There's a theory that, during the Ice Age, the Mid Atlantic Ridge would have been above water as a mini continent in the Atlantic ocean (the Azores would be the tips of mountains on them) and that as the earth warmed, 'Atlantis' sunk and cro-magnon migrated to western Europe that way.

Attached: atlantis.jpg (522x650, 55.97K)

also, pol is a diverse collection of racists from different races

By ignoring it. The Science™ has no credibility to me and can tongue my anus.

well there are still differences, keep in mind that many of these populations were for the most part demographically isolated for millennia. Even though the Romans knew about the Germans and Jews doesn't mean you instantly saw these groups interbreeding to any major extent. These genetic gaps really only started to close within the last 100 years due to rapid increases in globalization and tolerance of other races, as well as possibly some covert tactics by the elite to get the races to mix for whatever nefarious purpose people think on here these days

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Trackable DNA, Agriculture, Symbolism over 10k years old from cromag isnt good enough for you.

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>we used to be the same an incredibly long time ago so that means that we're all the same now

No. Fuck off.

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They didn't

We didn’t start in the south of South Africa, rather around the Nile somewhere

>actually believing this shit

already disproven
i'm from hyperborea

you mean as in they moved to different environments and evolved while the monkeys remained monkeys?

Not bad... potential for an interesting story there somewhere.

fpbp /slide-thread

That's not scientific, but simply a narrative. Lurk moar.

Out of Africa theory is wrong and the multinational model is correct. This is evidenced by a *lot*, but is conveniently ignored by pop science. The ancient groups to become sub-Saharan Africans seem to have been separate from everyone else via the Sahara with little to probably no gene flow or interaction of any kind. During this period, and before the hypothesized Out if Africa migration, the ancestors of all modern SS Africans interred or admired with a very primitive archaic hominid, which could have been Homo erectus or the somewhat more advanced Homo habits (though it is, indeed, possible it was a non-homo species all together, or a prehuman), and the result of this is that modern SS Africans have up to 19% of their genome derived from this. This is a lot of DNA and obviously has major effects on everything, including cognition and behavior. It is also largely why they look like they do compared to all other human groups. Since *no other* human populations have these primitive archaic DNA, we could not have descended from SS Africans - simple as that; all the other evidence just confirms it. They are furthest from everyone else of any race, genetically. We have known OoA was false for well over a decade. Leftists just cling to it like shipwreck survivors to a raft.

The rest of Humanity was a mixture of groups admiring, splitting, warring, and migrating in Eurasia and North Africa (and more recently, since about 22,000 years, the Americas). The ancestors of North East Asians and Europeans split about 60,000 years ago. Since then we have accumulated different ad,ixtures. Europeans have 1-2% Neanderthal DNA while NE Asians have 4-6 percent Neanderthal as well as some Denisovans and maybe erectus in some,all amounts.

Multiregional* fucking autocorrect.