Will you have enough stored deenz for when food scarcity hits?

I will.

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yummy bpa leached food tins

>Scared of cans
Any Forums users are the most scared people I've ever seen for being such a bunch of badasses

>i eat nematodes

nematodes are worms, btw
you literally eat the bugz

They Ayam Brand is done in enameld tin actually. So are some others, like Bela.

for me, it's the Riga Gold sprats

I have enough deenz for the food scarcity of the upcoming decade or so
I have about 3 cans.
That's all I'll need, because there is no upcoming food scarcity.

I also have pates.

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Any Forumstards never claimed to be badasses because it's so painfully obvious they aren't. They are those scrawny insecure white boys with lifted trucks that have no idea what a hard day's work is.

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I like how you store them. I just stack mine in a cupboard.

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My wife made me do it.

no technically they are a single celled organism. thats despite their max adult size and no its not a colony its individuals

>a king’s bounty of deenz
I wager I have more deenz than any individual on Any Forums.

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Nothing wrong with a little organization. Once you eat those sardines you can always use the tubs they were in for something else like tools, nails/screws or random assorted things.

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Being aware is scared wot. Big brain comment. Keep the wisdom coming muttbro.
Thanks for that I dident know this.

I already have another thing just like it for that.

I'm already dead.

As you can see I just get a tote or put it in a cupboard but Im not married so no one can complain. However, it looks really nice and Im impressed on your variety too. I just got the cheapest shit possible.

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You are like a baby

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I got anchovies and deenz mixed up.
I did just get 1k pellets and an airgun so if I need to shoot rabbits I should be good.

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I even have a large walk in closet or very small childs room( house was an old school in the 1920s), originally a library, where I store all my shit in totes, bags upon bags of charcoal and a dozen+ water packs on top of a old steel medical bed. Ill try and take a pic gimme a moment.

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