How do we fix the American west coast?

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Nuke it

Good question, I'm thinking concentration camps.

Use it for nuclear plant waste


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blow up the hoover dam and shot anyone who tries to flee

how would that affect norcal, oregon, or washington?

If you legalized drugs and set up centers where people could eat sleep and get administered free drugs safely, would you eliminate most crime and vagrancy

They will recieve the refugees and succomb

Remove Jews

Send the homeless around the country instead of the Coasts. Alternatively, we can murder the druggies and schizos.

why the fuck should my tax dollars give useless people drugs? shoot them all.

To make your town safer and more habitat.



Literally just enforce the law.
It's that simple.
Outlaw vagrancy, street camping, public intoxication, possession. Absolutely fucking flood the prison system for about 7 years. You'd probably have to out them in FEMA camps or some other sort of hastily constructed temporary structure, but fill it the fuck up.
Make it plain to the criminals that the period of tolerance is over. They'll straighten up and fly right or at least stop congregating in that area and spread out over the country making them a more manageable problem

Go check in with the areas that did this and let me know how they're doing.

For the lazy, not well. That's a theory almost as retarded as universal basic income.

Just wall it off from the US, people can only go in, no one leaves. No one wants their voter base spreading to other states anyway. Get two birds stoned at once. Simple as.

You don't. You let the shithole burn to the fucking ground while making sure it's inhabitants stay inside the raging inferno.

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