Suicide = Coward

Living is hard, dying is easy, people that kill themselves are nothing but cowards and selfish people.
When someone kills themself they are commiting the selfish action of erasing your presence in the life of another person that may miss you or need you. Even if you don't notice this in life, you should still strive for staying alive and find someone that would miss you.

Suicide is the easy way out, and if you take this choice you are doing nothing but harm the people around you.

Attached: OIP (2).jpg (474x470, 33.67K)

Women, women can't you see
Meat flaps simply repulse me
Take a look at your vagoo
hate your curtains like we do

Long and low your crotch does droop
Brown scar tissue like a poop
Wrinkles mimic a pork rind
A scrotum better suits your kind

Roastie scum should know their place
I'll say it to your fucking face
Bitch you just a pair of teats
Attached to rancid deli meats

for random people its different. some ppl have no one and nobody will miss them.

As a society we routinely put down our pets when circumstances dictate to spare them from suffering, but deny that right to consenting adults? So much for treating pets like family. Clown world.

I only don't kill myself because I know it'd improve things for everyone around me and my family desu

Most people that go through depression belive that, and is sad, cause in most cases that's not true, their perception ends up being wrong. And even if you have no one by your side, you can see how easily that changes when you emanate some empathy at the world. There are ton of good people that are worth caring about and would care about you

that isn't true at all lol, if you're depressed you're probably a loser, and if you're a loser everyone is better off with you dead, especially your parents

Nah, just go kill yourself if you want.
If they didnt do anything for you in life take whats yours in death.
The people around you dont care, they will only cry crocodile tears as a virtue signal "OH WHY DIDNT I NOTICE, I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS SUFFERING!" = 'I didnt care, and now hes becone an inconvenience to me. Please feel sorry for me instead.'

You have every right to be selfish. Other people chose your life for you since your conception, its the least bit fair you get to control how you die.
Suicide isnt wanted by society because they want good little taxpaying wageslaves. Youre not good to your masters dead so they give you juuuust the minimum to keep you alive to squeeze productivity out of you.
By taking your life, you rob that resource away from their grimy hands.

In fact, do as much harm as possible before you go.
Debtmax beforehand, die in a major highway so you shut down traffic.
Or an airport.
Make your death interesting and costly.

Or don't. Just continue being a good little wageslave. I'm sure something good will happen in life. Im totally not just throwing empty words like every other NPC would ;)

become a cannibal help people pass on... by pooping them out.

In life you will find other people's selfishness wanting you to stay alive, even when you struggle or suffer... and sure, that may be selfish from them, but if you care about them, you keep fighting! Most people can't put their feelings behind in tough situations, that is something I can forgive.

Don’t care. Still doing it. Had a head injury and I’ve been miserable ever since. I have no choice

t. depressed faggot

I might be a wageslave, but I'm proud to be, cause this is the system that I grew up in, is not great, but I'm alive, I can read, I have my own thoughts and choices to make, there are also selfish reasons to stay living! Is also a matter of perspective.

>still doing it
>i have no choice

What happened, user? If you're going out might as well tell your story.

You do have a choice, think about how this action would impact the ones around you, think about what you won't ever be able to do, don't be selfish, give back to the ones that ever gave you something. You might even just maybe... Find some happiness

Nobody really has a choice. That is an illusion. Either you are going to do it or you aren't. The choice isn't really yours to make. At least you get to watch.

i will never suicide. i can't die until i've made at least 8 blue-eyed, red-haired, well-cultured, racially-aware sons and daughters, updated the genealogy book, drawn my waifus over 9000 times each, and killed at least 3 jews and misc. shitskins each.

your life is in your hands, sure,
but quiting like an angry bitch isn't exactly going to help, if anything it proves how little control you have over yourself.

No one forced me to reply to you, I did it cause it was my choice, if you are going to drop the old "Choices are ilussions" here, at least explain it in detail. Sure there are always things that escape our control, but there many others that don't, we do have choices.

The enemy of humanity wants you to perish. Less humans is easier control. Do not die. Live. For no other reason than fuck this gay ass planet, it's not Uranus.

you're gonna die without meeting your goal

like it or not a large portion of people are worse than useless and suicide would be the ultimate act of bravery and selflessness

no blanket statements about humanity that don't consider the individual and circumstances are ever true regardless of how they make you feel

you saw the flow of currents in your brain direct you towards a reply, but that doesn't mean you caused it, which is to say you didn't actually had any choice weather that happened or not, it just came out on its own.


Instead of killing yourself you could look at these rats.

Attached: 1637644334.valsalia_vs169-03.png (900x1783, 1.65M)

A fate worse than death
fuck you nigger
Kill yourself faggot

But look user she's going to get new books

Attached: 1638332540.valsalia_vs170-03.png (900x1446, 1.62M)

That flow of currents in my brain is called being conscious, this machine that is the brain acts differently depending on the circumstances, and this action that may vary from one situation to another is called a choice, if you are conscious, it means you have the ability to make decisions, don't blame the machine, cause you are the machine

it's the opposite
i'm way too much of a pussy to kill myself

Nice rats :)

valsalia has saved from the abyss more times than i'd like to admit, the thought of "but i'll miss the next update" is all that stands between me and oblivion