What’s with this report about 50% of men being lonely and single

is it true? Why aren’t they getting in relationships if so?

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damn thats a nice russian mail wife

twitch is aids

what's with 50% of OPs being gay niggers?
why can't OP stop being a gay nigger?

>Why aren’t they getting in relationships
Cost Benefit analysis fail, better than 90% of the time.
Also, stop trying to hack my accounts, "Irena". You should know better by now.

i love how these horse-faced kike ecelebs suddenly find themselves with cute girlfriends and they don't realize what's happening

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I'm too spergy for a gf.

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That's a goofy looking dude

Styx´s one is the real deal, they already have a daughter together too.


What an ugly mother fucker.
Is he rich?

There are good looking sweet girls out there user, they are rare but not nonexistant.

what’s happening ?

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Its because 95% of the women, even the ones with severe problems, only want the top 1% of the men. So it ends up where, 99% of the men, can only date 5% of the women, because 95% of the women don't want them. Thanks to social media, you can be a woman that is obese, very old, and highly greedy, and only accept dates from young handsome men with very high paying jobs, and they expect those men to want very little sex, and to give them all of their money at all times.

I fucking LOVE being alone. You see these people that ended up married to these horrible fucking women? The women own them completely. Everything they do revolves around what she wants. They're so miserable. Fuck that. I have a few FWB and they might stay a weekend here or there but I love having my freedom. I think it's pretty normal for men to be comfortable by themselves and I think it's actually a mental disorder if they are not.

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I'm married and miserable.
I'm lonely.
I haven't had sex in nearly a year.
Im emasculated
Don't be me

the answer is finding an amish or beachy amish (menonite) woman.
Trad or half trad and you wont get a worthless slut that is a faithful believer in divorced income redistribution

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I had no idea the Amish population was actually increasing.

Before I went into full hermit mode I had a long-term relationship. 8 or 9 years. Lived together. We didn't get hostile just distant. Dead bedroom eventually happened. I will tell you this, during covid it was not uncommon for me to go several weeks without seeing another human being. But I'll never be as lonely as I was laying in bed next to a sleeping chick I haven't fucked in 6 months.

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Married twice
Dicorced twice
Women are horrible beings they're not even human
Hire prostitutes when you have a boner, trust me, it's cheaper and the peace of mind is well worth it

Same bro. It can feel so hard to get out of this type of relationship even though you know you want to

Should have gotten married in a country/jurisdiction where spousal rape isn't a crime, and when if a wife doesn't put out, she gets punished. That's on you for being a retard.

Also nice quads on the second poster.

>Women are horrible beings they're not even human

Are sure that it's not just because they're Brazilian?

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why just have sex

Tbh. It's less fun and probably less effective

He's just a centrist YouTuber shill

Most women are awful and the ones who aren’t are usually already scooped up

men are half the population so no shit they're half of the single people too.

Calling him a centrist is an insult to actual centrists

we'll never get pooooooowwwwwssssssiiiiiiiiiiiii

>Most women are awful

How do you figure, also, what state? (does it matter?)

It was something like 64% of men use dating apps. It's not 50% of men are miserable and lonely. There's hope yet.

Only time I was in a situation like that with a dead bedroom problem was when I was in a relationship with a narcissist. I had no idea what a narcissist even was at that point, but afterwards I could see how she had been using sex/lack of sex as a weapon. With a normal woman, as long as you do semen retention to boost your testosterone and hormones, and she doesn't take contraceptives, things are usually fine in my experience.
