When the world runs of gasoline

I’ve read that the world should be completely out of gasoline in 2060. Regardless if this is true or not, what do you think will happen when we run out of gas? Or it gets so expensive only a select few can buy it? What would happen to all the millions of cars that can’t be driven anymore?

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I will use the last drop to start my own cult and we will worship a single drop of unleaded fuel

Use the airbags for blasting caps.

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I'll join you and start an oil cult, we can both split profits from donations.

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>I’ve read that the world should be completely out of gasoline in 2060.
That's absolutely ridiculous, it's like saying we'll be out of steel by 2060.

I honestly think we'll run out of lithium before we run out of fossil fuels.

>I’ve read that
That’s when I stopped.

well throw them into space

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Yeah this leaf gets it. It's all about recycling your fumes so you can keep using them, I usually wrap a tube from the exhaust right into the engine using a custom socket I had installed. Don't let them Jew you out of perfectly good car juice

Cool post. I like it.

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We can stop pretending to care about the middle east. Move in, glass the entire region and set up solar panels and wind turbines then return to business as usual.

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Airplanes need hydrocarbons to work. So flying will become prohibitive and trains/boats will again ferry people around.

Military aircraft will dwindle. Instead missiles will be the weapons of choice. Electric guns with nuclear power most likely. And satellites. But jet fighters will go the way of the samurai. Electric drones will be the only thing flying.

Cars can be electric. Aircraft not so much.

>Florida will be underwater by 2010!
>The world will run out of food by 2012!
>The icecaps will be gone by 2015!
>The Amazon will be gone by 2016!
>The world will run out of oil by 2030...I mean 2040...I mean 2060!
No one takes you people seriously anymore. I was talking to some zoomers the other day and it actually gave me some hope for the next generation. When I asked them what they think of the Lefts agenda absolutely none of them believed in climate change, and when one of them said it was a scam by the Left the rest nodded. Just feels good to see the pendulum swinging back into the area of reason.

You are either 12, retarded, or came straight from Reddit.

Could be all three

just think people will be around on the day it finally happens & im going to miss the fun

How do you figure nigger?
All that empty desert would be great for generating power. Just gotta clear out the local pests.

>What would happen to all the millions of cars that can’t be driven anymore?
They get converted to electric by rednecks everywhere.

i've seen the ufos. free energy is hidden npc boy. you really think this tech you see in the public is normal? it's slave tech. controllers of the realm literally hide the tech and slow drip it to us for control/endless profits. i'm right too. seen enough ufos to know this place is controlled. we are never seeing the other side of the moon. we aren't going to space as slaves. airplanes will still be the same for commercial use as they are in 2022 and were in 1963 and in 2060. why? slavery. you get a status quo realm where you are brainwashed into "normal'

nothing the elites have given us is normal. it's slave tech lies.

By then all the niggers and jews are ded or gone, the rest if us walk or go back to horses and steam. Paradise.

And who the fuck is going to clean and maintain all these panels?

>empty desert
>muh green energy
>muh towelheads
Graduate the 7th grade monkey

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Italians can do it.