Why did he do it? Why did he steal the nuclear codes?

Why did he do it? Why did he steal the nuclear codes?

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because niggers tongue my anus


my anus was tongued by a nigger, bros
anyone else feel this way?

Israel needed them.


He probably had one of those biscuits still and kept it as a souvenir as it would be completely invalid after Biden gained control of the football.

the codes flew over my house!

Nukes are fake and gay.

Good question. It's probably bullshit. Then again, Trump is an actor and the whole thing could be a show to fool the masses into civil war.

>Why did he do it? Why did he steal the nuclear codes?
he was trying to sell them.....

he should objectively get the death penalty for treason now

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maybe he wanted to raise money for his next campaign

Because every president takes it all with them when they leave office, which they basically never fully leave. They are always provided Secret Service for life, a paycheck and are commonly called upon for advice from the current administration. Once you're in you're still an employee of the US government for life.

He didnt. crooked fbi planted evidence just like they did with the steele dossier. Another vulgar exercise of political power by the deepstate!

>he fell for the glowie WMD excuse

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For a lifetime unlimited taco plan at taco bell.

>There are some things even money can't buy.

Permission to use the handicapped parking space without needing a placard.

Did he trade them for some Matryoshka Dolls?
The worlds most expensive Fabrige' Egg?
A crate full of bloody aids infected dildos to use on innocent schoolchildren?

>Shroud of Turin (to use as worlds finest toilet paper)
>Monkeypox vaccine
>Machine that can create tornados in places other than trailer parks

It's just a hokes. They are scared of him becoming president again so the attacks will continue.

>a petrified turd of the first pharoe
>one night with Katie Kurrick
>The Fabled Toupee of Regis Philben.

yes but its so STUPID, a single second of introspection would reveal it to be false. I just feel INSULTED that anyone would expect me to believe this, and that, worse, some people DO!

Then the idea that someone would delirately post this to incite outrage in order to bolster support for Trump is even MORE of a mindfuck.

I mean who the fuck thinks that way?

I had a few today. It’s getting to the point I don’t value in person relationships anymore.

money. everything with tr*** is money money money. Who is he in debt to? Russians. Owes 500++ million $ to Russian mafia.

because Any Forums user said he couldn't be allowed to have them. Reverse psychology.

then it all get blended together, right wing trolls, left wing conspiracy nuts, gossip mongers who just like repeating the latest thing, and it all turns into a stew, a sort of 'shit sandwich' if you will. Then we are all fed this sandwich on national television while our president puts on his robe and wizard hat and television court jesters put on a show, and we all have to tolerate this idiot state of affairs, and the whole thing just starts to feel like..

like nothing is real.

So that he can nuke Washington D.C.
EVerybody knows that.

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And who is going to touch a fucking BILLIONAIRE who can afford to hire his own PRIVATE ARMY


finally, something I'm on board with.

just moar b.s. from butt hurt libbies..........

nothing happened

nothing was stolen

nothing was classified

its all a big nothing burger

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tr*** is not a billionaire, you are confoosed

you do not become a billionaire by owning golf courses, golf courses make millionaires out of billionaires

mossad's entry mission to show loyalty and seriousness.

he's only worth 3bn, and it's mostly in real estate. He doesn't have liquidity