Can video games cause violence?

Around 15 years ago, I thought the idea that video games might contribute to violence was ridiculous. I mean, people that played tetris didn't suddenly start stacking everything they owned.
But now, as an adult, I can see how playing hours of gory shooting games might push someone who was already unstable over the edge. It as a cause, but as one of many contributing factors.

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video games are made by satanists

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people who are inclined towards violence will do so anyway, with vidya or not, you faggot

Video games are no more impactful of an experience than violent literature, movies/television, or just playing with make believe guns as a child.

Also, why was GTA San Andreas the best game in the series?

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Awareness that the world is violent leads to violence. It's a self-sustaining cycle as real-life violent acts become more and more common, graphic, and available in media.

Videogames, if anything can give people a sense of control over violence- they can dish it out, respawn harmlessly, and so on. And an outlet that doesn't involve crushing the skull of your irritating neighbor Johnny because he told the class about how you pee the bed at night.

Likewise, a world that's got less to go around triggers violence. More people are falling into that poverty-stricken hellbox where if you're hungry enough, stressed enough, pressured enough- you snap. And snap. And help others snap.

Play your GTA. You aren't going to get brave enough to shoot someone for their wallet because magical crime pixel city.

Look up Terri's effect, it absolutely does have a psychological effect. It applies to other games too, I do some high level competitive gaming and get the same hallucinations after too long in a certain mindset. And games as stories can absolutely shape the psyche of young men, as silly as it is its how I was exposed to a lot of concepts such as honor, duty, self-doubt. However it's very much like weed, if it inspired you to commit horrible acts or behave poorly you probably had something wrong to begin with

*Tetris effect damn phone

I don't think there's much direct correlation between violence in video games and violence in real life, but video games can be an avenue in which violence is normalized. What I mean is, if you play violent video games a child, then as a teen, then as an adult you're probably not going to be shocked to hear about violence in the news or as shocked as you would be if you saw it in your personal life. Everything that makes you who you are have been from the many experiences you have had in life and the things you have seen. It's sort of like how most people can't stand the sight of gore but if you're regular poster on this board it probably doesn't bother you much if at all.

I think it's possible but just like the pharmaceutical industry, the gaming industry is also very powerful and conducts their own studies showing that their products are completely safe for the general public.

I just recently got a master’s degree in genetics and did a dissertation on cancer epidemiology in various online subcultures. Turns out there was a non-trivial correlation between playing video games and being diagnosed with adrenal cancer. It’s something I’m actually considering doing for my doctoral thesis because I really want to find out what is going on there.

Because it had the most things to do.

There's no question that low IQ and unstable individuals can be influenced by violent media.
But this also goes for movies, rap music, etc.
But not literature. Stupid people don't read. Most people don't read.

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Yup ive had a shit ton of dreams about various vidya.
t. zoomer

I feel like its easier to make the call and say thats what were doing in the games, whether or not its going to upset someone is another issue with them. I didn't license any firearms or get to purchase any, sure its probably a similar action, I don't physically feel I have anywhere to use them or anyway to afford them. Its not like the missions aren't challenging if played any of them, its not easy.

>Also, we need to genocide blacks because they are the leading cause of violence the world over

Let me know when game npcs actually start looking like real people and then ask me if they normalize or cause violence. Unlike the "this is literally like [pop culture reference]" leftists most people are able to differentiate between games and reality

Because GTAIV was clunky (plus "Hey, Niko, it's your cousins! Do you want to go bowling?") and GTAV is nerfed.

There's already been a multitude of studies on video games contributing to violence. The simple fact of the matter is that video games do not change you; the most they can do is temporarily make you more aggressive while playing a violent video game (all you have to do is play CoD with voice chat to hear how aggressive boys get whilst playing it), and that goes away as soon as you put the game controller down and take a shower. So the idea that video games can be blamed for school shootings and mass murder is nonsense; the only thing video games can be blamed for is broken controllers and objects, and may~be some confrontations between a boy and their parents trying to get them to shut off CoD during a particularly violent shoot out.

should have listened to republicans in the 90s. now look at the sad sacks of fat faggots we have today

You mean Vice City?

>filtered by bowlingkino

Yes if the games are realistic and if kids that are too young are allowed to play it and let it warp their minds.

Loved VC but the added things in SA like not dying from touching water, climbing, and having wilderness sold it for me

It’s not necessarily about pushing them over the edge. As VR has proven, our subconscious cannot differentiate between visual informations. Movies do normalize the things happening in them as much as video games do, from a warped idea of romance/partnership to gore, shooting others. The big difference in video games is that you are the one in control

yes, modern videogames make me commit violence towards their creator

All video games should be eliminated. We raised two generations of brainded morons, who wasted their lives staring at a screen in a fantasy world. Fuck them. End the games, make them go outside.