Lack of Jewdar among everyday Americans

As hard as Ruling Class may find it to believe, Middle Americans have virtually no Jewdar at all.

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That's exactly my point, Middle Americans fall for this shit every single time.

Did garland do the recoil thing

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Jews are white

Jews patting each other on the back I see.


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They adopted under the Russian Empire to appear "white" from 10 meters away.

>As hard as Ruling Class may find it to believe
Is this bait? They do the things they do because they know this isn't true

It's sort of bait. It's what the Jew in disguise Steve King peddles to give other Jews a target to bash "white supremacists" and "antisemitism".


He's shitposting retard

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I’ve talked to people about the jew before. It blew their mind when they realized Epstein was a Jew, and how many pedo Jews are in Hollywood

they're mulatto if you look at their dna, which may soon become illegal since the data is antisemitic

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Or he is extremly intelligent and redpilling the normie scumbags

Yeah you can get fucked over if you don’t know the dude you’re meme’ing is a Jew

>Greeks are close to niggers than Turks are

Who reads this and doesn't see satire?>He's shitposting retard

Steve king is pretty cool

I remember when he was on the today show and was talking about how white Wester civilization was great.

Maybe he will come back and run again

He's a kind of controlled counter-culture anyway. He's a Jew peddling far-right stuff, but he's inadvertently red-pilling a bunch of people.

>Middle Americans have virtually no Jewdar at all.
Correct. I had Absolutely none before I found this place