What was his name again?

What was his name again?

Attached: 1659710950315542.jpg (402x600, 22.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Zenu the Gibslactic Tyrone

Nigger Von NiggerPants

Slidus threadus

Jamal Tiberius Niggerius Thugshaker

Nelson Mandela.

Yakub, the big head scientist.

Attached: 1643335463362.png (204x418, 29.59K)

some nigger with two brains and not a frontal lobe on either one

Our father
Who hail from Agartha
Hollowed be his brain
They ship does sail
Keeping the pail
Upper earth we were meant to rule it!!

Denzel Washington

Ching Chong has a small ding dong. He fought King Kong in Hong Kong.

my creator :)

The Biaviian alien O-Qua Tangin Wann (also known as Tan)

George Floyd

Biggus Niggus

Attached: images.jpg (260x194, 14.13K)

Behold the Mugabe Uvuvwemvwemontyentye Osas! Progenitor of life, father and mother, alpha and omega! Our creator... and our destroyer.


Ah yes, I remember him.

Kamaru juicemen

How come this is the only Yakub fanart that exits?