There’s always a tweet


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oh no no no

>Trump claims Biden is selling America's secrets.
>Trump is literally under investigation for selling America's secrets.


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>it's ok when obama, hillary and comey does it
>but ornage man bad must go to jail

i think youll find that like the simpsons, if youve been around long enough you will find yourself being on record talking about everything because nothing is new under the sun and corrupt government is predictable

I said it before, and I say it again: Right wingers always project. Anything they accuse everyone else of doing, they do themselves. Every time.

>Accuse your enemy of what you're doing

trumptards will pretend this never happened

you messed up the quote. it's "the left will accuse you of whatever they are doing"

lol bait. retard

How is a dude in his 80s so terminally online?

>Nice balls nigga

Gods numbers

Who else helps him to be 10x steps ahead?

If there was a chance to get Trump on jaywalking charges they'd try. The crime and it's consequences are completely irrelevant and mean nothing to the people calling for his prosecution, it's just about stopping trump from running in 2024.
Which makes no sense since DeSantis seems like an extremely viable second pick while the Dems are seriously considering Hillary again.

umm sweaty, president > fbi director

>comparing LEAKING docs to a President taking docs that He declassified
This is why libtards always lose

“I claim these documents as declassified” doesn’t declassify top secret documents jizz-for-brains

i hope to be as cool as you someday

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you forgot that leftists always steal memes from the right, like they did recently with "Dark Brandon", and like they're doing right now with "the right always projects".

>Comey leaks classified docs to attorneys to have his attorneys disseminate said classified information to the media, and thus the public
>"Not espionage."
>Trump keeps documents he legally has the right to own as former president, in a secure location, under lock and key and secret service watch, and is still in possession of his clearance to review them

And the worst part about it all... is the hypocrisy!

ACTUALLY LEAKING documents isn't criminal but owning them is. Mental gymnastics on full display!

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This is literally projection lol. It's a form of muddying the waters.


Yeah, leaking classified documents should be punished too.

I mean you are projecting.

Still waiting for substance from their seizure. Love watching the shills argue over political theater.

former trump supporter here. ngl it's hilarious watching him crash and burn. seriously though we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes