I've been sitting on Any Forums for many years. Here are my observations

I've been sitting on Any Forums for many years. Here are my observations.
The most polite posters and generally nice people are Brazilians. I don’t know what it is connected with - whether the climate acts like that, or whether they really are such good people. In short, it's always a pleasure to have a dialogue with them.
In second place, I would put the courtesy of the Indians, Mexicans, Japanese and Koreans. Saudi anons also always look adequate.
In third place are South Americans - Argentines, Chileans, Peru. Here are all the countries.
Americans are too different here to put them unambiguously somewhere. Scattered from 1 to 10. Similarly anons with Israeli / German flags.
The most awkward are the Poles, the British, the Balts, the Canadians and especially the Australians (the reason is not clear to me).
Turks look like people offended by life.
Moreover, I am writing this not as a Russian-language poster (assuming Russophobia in my address), but in general my observation on the board and discussions (I rarely write here in fact - I mostly read).
In general, I have everything. I myself have no hatred for anyone and do not wish anything bad. Just my observation.
Peace and love to all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/Mein Kampf, Dalton Translation Vol 1/page/43/mode/2up?view=theater


The highest quality posters I've seen are Japan posters, granted that they are actually Japan posters. I've suspected several people to have a Japan VPN. They don't talk about their feelings, which I guess is par for the course, and they're only rude to South Koreans.

What do you think of Greece lad

Shitposters on par with old Aussies from what I've seen.

There are few of your posters, so I can hardly give any correct assessment and selection.

archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/Mein Kampf, Dalton Translation Vol 1/page/43/mode/2up?view=theater

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Well, yes, I noted the Japanese posters in my text. Really always interesting posts without shetposting. And polite.

>In second place, I would put the courtesy of the Indians, Mexicans, Japanese and Koreans. Saudi anons also always look adequate.
It's all false, pol would never place Indians in 2nd place


t. Indian

>t. Indian
>In Germany
Why are your there?

But the Indians are really always polite here and answer and write to the point.

I think it's because we have the good old portuguese italian hospitality mindset and are so demorilized we stopped caring long ago so we might as well enjoy it while we're still alive

>The most polite posters and generally nice people are Brazilians
>The most awkward are [...] and especially the Australians
i noticed too.
>Turks look like people offended by life
turks are not butthurt at all, actually many of them seem very cynical

He can't keep getting away with iiiiiiiiiiiit!

Here is my observation:

Never mind the individual countries, the overall Any Forums demographics and posting style is changing.
The constant chasing of (You)s with reddit-tier edgy one liners has degraded the quality of this board immeasurably.
I can also feel the Gen-Z infestation growing, posts are getting shorter and everything that takes longer to digest than their 30 seconds attention span gets zero replies.
It's all getting a bit shit innit

I think yes. Plus, you have beautiful girls and a gorgeous climate in the country. And access to the ocean. In this mode it's hard to be a bad person I guess. Given me. I live in the cold and there is no money even to go to the Black Sea. I have never swum in the sea in my life. And I'm already 35 years old.

I work with a handful of Brazilians and they're all pretty pleasant. Brought to you by anecdotal evidence

Yeah something like 70% of the population lives at most 2 hours from the atlantic
There's a saying here -- if every thing fails for me I'll become a fisherman and live on a tent at the beach

also true

Hues are our bitches.

I heard by the way that in Brazil they make their cars. But I don't know the brand. Is it true that you have your own locally made cars?

Now a days I think we are the pimps

The Brazilians are clearly a state security service using a VPN. Idk which one though.

What about slovaks?

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...yeah? Lots of the usual brands are manufactured or assembled here
we were supposed to follow the english rail model but ford and mercedes lobbied the government hard and now we're dependant on roads, highways, trucks, etc
Fun fact we have the most rivers in the world and the smallest infrastructure to move goods in them