Fuck off I’m lazy. Not quitting. Just doing my job, assholes

Fuck off I’m lazy. Not quitting. Just doing my job, assholes.

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>Do the minimum work my contract requires and no more
>"Sorry, user, but we're not going to award you with a merit raise this year. You just haven't demonstrated you're willing to go that extra mile. Try harder next time."
>Get a $0/yr raise

>Bust ass working overtime and taking on extra responsibilities so bosses can see I'm eager to pull myself up by the midnight oil burn a firm handshake give him my bootstraps
>"Wow, user, you're a real proactive go-getter, great team-player, showing some hustle! Keep up the good work!"
>Get a $30/yr merit raise

Learned my lesson the hard way on this one.

30 dollars more a year? are you fucking joking man?

Nice user , you got a 30 dollar a year raise?? Big money guy.

Ten years ago, I remember my first raise. Was just a kid, busted my ass stocking boxes and unloading trucks. 25cent an hour raise lol.

this never happened

i squeeze the aboslutute bare minimum out of my job and somehow am still prasied for doing better than my colleagues. anyway your life outside of work is more important to cultivate than some career development bullshit

Everything you've said in this thread you made up

Wow people love lying through their fucking teeth on the Internet
>$30 raise
Try harder next time, dumb kike

You are fucking pathetic

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>work in digital art for a marketting firm, $25 an hour starting
>dont ever need to be in the office for any reason ever
>after a year ask for remote contract because of chinese aids
>they say no
>quit and travel the road
>politely beg for gas and get more money doing this than I ever got working
>dont even have to pay taxes on this
>get free gas too
>use all this free time to travel the world and improve myself
>have sex with tons of gorgeous wome who are enthralled that I travel between states
>wow user you drove to alaska and mexico once you're so interesting teehee let me see your van wow you ha e a surprisingly comfy bed I might just quit my waitress job and travel too!
>boomer complains at me one time and says I should get a job
>laugh in his face and he gets pissed and drives off
>have about 180k invested in steel, cobalt, pharma, and sperm preservation technologies
Why on fucking earth would I work instead of leeching this zog faggot system dry?

>begs for gas money
That's not all you do is it.

$30 a year raise.
So maybe 5 cents an hour?

Pay increases on my employer's contract renewals are broken into a guaranteed raise (currently 1%) and a merit raise (up to 4% on top of the guaranteed). US inflation for this year is likely to end up around 8-9% so I've been busting my hump all year trying to push for the full 5% raise or close to it to minimize my losses as much as possible (I like the actual work and was prepared to eat the difference between the max raise and inflation if it meant avoiding having to go back on the fucking job market yet again). But instead I worked myself to the bone and walked away with... 1.07%.

So, yeah, I'm on autopilot from here on out.

and then everyone clapped

all these gatekeeper social influencers trying to redefine well-established terms in society. Double think psyop people.

you have to go back

you suck monkeypox dick for cash (and sometimes for free)

Thats literally it, I go up with a gas jug and ask politely if the person I'm talking to can help me get to the next destination. They either fill my 5 gal or give me about $20-$50. I always put the money into investments. I make about $500 a day doing this maybe four days of the week. I buy a fuckton of rice, beans, flour, etc with $250 a month. The extra $90 covid neet bucks I get is used on caffeine or BLTs from this great sandwich place in Cave Junction. I get my meat from hunting elk or fishing rainbow trout in the PNW in the summer and then travel to the midwest for cheaper everything in the winter. I'm not even doing it alone I have a whole caravan of others who do the same. When we get tired of it we go into the woods and hike trails or camp by deep innawoods lakes/rivers.

>Implying kikes would lie to make kikes look bad

Cnc Machinist here, Can confirm employers look for the stupidest shit to justify not giving you a raise. Made the factory increase or cost of living raise merit based.
Proceeded to give everyone .25 cents.
Morale is in the shitter. No one cares.
Go the extra mile to save the companies ass on rush jobs.
Get told my areas too disorganized so I lose merit, When I get my review 4 months late.
Fuck this shit.

this is why i never give homeless people money and tell randoms at gas stations to fuck off when they ask for some

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Sounds lush mate, apart from the begging part.

Job hopping is where it is at. If a company could pay you more, they would

For everyone doubting this is 100% true
I got a 6% raise one year after doubling my work duties and my manager was super stoked to tell me that number

Natually all i thought was "thats it"?

>don't do shit at work, post on Any Forums all day and work on personal goals
>get no raise

>bust ass all day everyday at work for the better of the company
>excellent job! Unfortunately we just filled the position you wanted with a nigger that doesn't do work because we want to look more diverse. Maybe you'll get that promotion next year ;)

If you work for any company that has any kind of diversity/inclusion initiatives you need to be doing your part by contributing as little as possible or negatively affecting your company if not just quitting to go work for a nonpozzed company

Is Psychology a meme? I was thinking about studying it in college to work in that field but it sounds like its hard to get a good job in it. I'm 32 with a Business Analytics degree and work shit office job. The college I looked at has fast track degrees for people who already have a degree in something else so I could get Bachelors Psychology degree in 2 years then 1 year Masters after that.

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> Is Psychology a meme?
is this ironic?

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I mean purely for a job. It seems like easy job with minimal stress

The expectation to go above and beyond for a meager pay increase is an impressive feat of corporate propaganda. By definition, if you go above and beyond your current role you should be promoted not just get a raise. The only two options available in corporate jobs is to become a ruthless ladder climber or to put in as minimal effort as possible while also working on a side gig while the boss isn't watching. Being a reliable employee that goes above and beyond just makes you a target for lazier employees to throw extra work at you because "omg I'm so swamped" or a victim of a ladder climber taking credit for the extra work you're doing.

It's a meme degree, far and away the most oversaturated at the moment.

They have no advancement for you. The employer will bring in people over your head your entire career. Products of nepotism. You arent the cream that rises to the top.