Why do people believe in germ theory?

Has Koch's Postulates been satisfied regarding Covid?

the four criteria are:
>(1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals;
>(2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual;
>(3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulated the disease; and finally
>(4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism

Attached: Terrain1.jpg (1080x1080, 216.32K)

BOTH theories are two sides of the same coin. Both theories are true.

>BOTH theories are two sides of the same coin.
Is there a vaccine that protects against niggers or is nigger genocide the only option?

Someone Please add brown people to the tank on the left with the fish being white than on the right just have white people. Please
I suck at photo manipulation:(

Covid is a virus, not a microorganism. Koch's Postulates were written before the discovery of viruses and can't be effectively applied to them.

So the answer is 'no' and 'they literally can't be'. Koch's postulates haven't been applied to the common cold, influenza, SARS, or any other viral infection either.

>just kill clean a virus to death 5head
Sometimes I wonder how many small nomadic groups of people were lead to their doom and eradication by a retarded leader

To add, part of our definition of Microorganism is that they are able to reproduce, which is also part of definition for life. Viruses have no ability to reproduce on their own and require the use of another creature's reproductive apparatus (cell replication) to make more of themselves. For a classical definition of life a virus does not constitute a living thing.

So the reason this applies to Koch's postulates for why a virus can't effectively be put through them is a virus in a pitri dish given nutrient slurry won't replicate, and will just sit there. You can't culture a virus.

indians and africans shit in the streets here
we will never get rid of them
if someone keeps shitting in the goldfish bowl, you need to protect the goldfish in some way. cleaning the bowl wont help.
and your stupid braindead post has been dismantled. kill yourself, faggot

covid doesn't even pass the "are we sure he didn't die from the motorcycle accident" test

apart from (2) viruses should also be able to fit the criteria, and even (2) carries over when you allow for culturing using cells
your precious goyid-1666 isn't about any disease, keep coping

As far as I know, they haven't been satisfied in any disease...

Yeah. Like last day I was fucking a lot of third world slum girls who had those dirty looking eyes. Their eyes are brown and red or just cloudy. That's years of malnutrition and pollution, buddy. The on their big japbangwhiz billboard they have a chink ad for Rhoto eyedrops after showing a fictional pollen allergen molecule slamming into the cornea and making it red. A god damn shitskin sucker born every second.

cleansing the bowl means ridding it of streetshitters

Yeah like I said , if we let 2 be helped by culturing the virus using cells then Covid has satisfied the postulates, but under the basic definition of Koch's postulates they haven't and can't be.

They read and try and know more.

Didn't the first postulate got revised when they found out v.cholerae (the one that caused cholera) are in both healthy and diseased people

Except one looks clean, natural, good, and holy and the other looks disgusting and a disgrace to God. Guess which one jews like to pick.

It's been revised multiple times as our understanding of disease becomes more refined, the 2nd like said can be expanded to allow culturing in helper cells to allow viruses to satisfy the postulates.

Both, a jew is the one who made the image and peddles terrain theory. It's an advertising scheme.

How do you explain the flu like symptoms I get after banging at least 5 whores. I always get sick. Now it's up to 20 and I have a rattling cough. Body must be fighting hard to expel their proto-ape bodily contagen particles. I don't give a shit about spike protiens anymore, either.

It's also the zinc lost from cooming.

If zinc or other nutrients are the reason a virus can't reproduce then I'd say that points more to terrain...

Zinc is essential for immune function so of course cooming is weakening my organism and depleting hard to source nutrients. Taoism has a concept of Radiant Health that extends a protectional capacity.