Aus/pol/ l8 bake

see you in the gulag cunts

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How do I get a job?

Attached: tfw no job.jpg (1379x1842, 229.45K)

Daily reminder to join your union

No. Unions sold us out on vaccines. Fuck those gay cunts

Daily reminder the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia is not over, and never will be:

Uncle Ted
>great manifesto
>shit IED skillz
Everyother cunt - Breivik, Tarrant, seppo rando skitzes
>shit manifestos
>shit shooting skillz
>cunt couldnt even do a shitlist in crayon
>flukes being in a jampacked cafe and only gets sheeple at pointblank distance so in piss easy mode
Lee Harvey Oswald
>marine - ate the crayons for the manifesto
>marine - made the shot
Get at least some Chokko training guys.
Fuck the manifestos, no cunt actually reads them.
Learn to shoot the high value target.

great its a promise then

feels bad man :(
please jesus send me some rich, kpop, white skinned chinky looking girlfriends. no more brown peasants. amen.

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Why would you want one?
>shit IED skillz
Go easy on the guy, luddites aren't known for being tech savvy
>Oswald made the shot(s)
Nice meme

Reminder that ALL ted posters are feds

OY you must drink the fluoride!

Town went years without fluoride; nothing happened, nobody noticed.
Water had unrelated issues with metal contamination in pipes, but no ill effects from the absence of fluoride.

Our drinking water is third world quality, and the chemicals they add to disinfect it damage our health.
Rather than mind control, fluoride and chlorine damage your digestive bacteria and lead to a general cancer risk.
I'm not selling shit either, get two charcoal water filters from big W and alternate them in the fridge.
Rain water is free, drink that.
Just buy gallon jugs of office cooler water, it's not even expensive.

You can rebuild digestive health quickly, you will eat less and get better nutrient absorption, be able to eat harder foods, you won't get food poisoning so often, there's a range of general benefits.
But first you have to stop drinking the goy water

>shit IED skillz
Mfw when Uncle Ted never at least applied his great intellect to learn how to Timmy McV a few rental trucks instead of packing shitty pipes in mail packages.

for me its tim mcveigh.

Unless you are actually a Flip, then why are you fagflagging from the Land of fat stumpy Asian-Mexicans and not fishing in SouthGookland or Nihonkibara?
>if the fish are shit, go fish in a better river

Member that time Australian unions came out swinging publicly in support of vaxx mandates and left thousands of workers high and dry, forced to choose between their livelihoods and submitting to a medical treatment they didn't want? Abandoned by the unions when they needed them most?

I do. Cunt. Fucking dog cunt. Die in a fire traitor.

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Industrialist hands typed this post.
I bet you work for a goy slop company, do you tin or vacuum pack your goy slop?
How many algorithm driven programs do you interact with per day? Does the vending machine scan your retina or read your micro chip?


And now its full of 'coof' Boongs.
>NT stuck feeding boongs forever
>shitting on floors, wrecking dongas, fucking pikkininnys, as usual
>crying to ADF to come help with saving Boongs... again.
They only left after NT removed the Bottlo-bans and Albo gave them booze-bux instead of Neetcard, so they could get back to LadyinBoat and cumfy warm BagotRoad dreamtime sleeps.

Only beta cucks like white roasties. Chinese girls are wife material and good mothers. Jews hate when white men and Chinese women marry and breed.

White women are not race loyal. Fucking every nigger and every dog they see until getting fat and marrying a white cuck is not race loyal. Only pussy worshiping white knights could claim otherwise.
>but muh marriage stats
Fornication (sex before marriage) is not included in those stats. You only have to walk inside a mall or other public place to see all the roasties with their dyed blonde hair and nigger on their arm or half nigger in their stroller, absent a father.

White women are shit, and only cucks defend them. White women are shit of their choosing. They were all raised to hate niggers by their extended family. They are not children. They are responsible for their actions. God punished Eve in the garden, and thus God also dictated they are not mindless children.

white women WILL turn your kids into transexual, pedo, nigger worshippers.

Chinese women are the best wives on the planet. That is all.

>pic related, look at this disgusting white woman virtue signalling about killing her child... or your child.

white women will give your children the BOOSTY BOOST and take photos of it for social media virtue signalling. chinese women wont..

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The coons are a fucking disaster and their dependence on the government is a literal cancer on society. I was in Alice Springs recently and it breaks my heart to see what unrestrained coonery has done to a once beautiful national treasure.

any updates on their plans with these prisons? the media hasnt mentioned it, its all been swept under the rug.

im guessing they do plan on using them in the future to justify the costs?

> 390795064
Yeah, we are definitely not your bestest ally, Seppo.
Go back to sucking the (((cutcock))).

The annexation of Australia into America lad.

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Based memeflaggot

Of course not. That would be like saying Idaho is the "greatest ally" of Iowa. It's the same country lad. You can't be our greatest ally when you literally are us.

get a cucumber, go into your bedroom, get down on your knees... and practice deep throating that shit until the skin comes off from it.

First step completed. As this is what most employers want from their employees.

They don't like talking about them because it's an embarrassment for multiple reasons. Rest assured they'll still be used for "other purposes" just as they said they would from the start.

Go attend a vaxx protest and find out.

Can you retake your own cuntry from the traitors within first?

It's Over: CDC Says People Exposed To COVID No Longer Need To Quarantine.

Attached: And_like_that_its_gone.jpg (600x322, 54.68K)

Yeahnah, its standard gubment waste.
The contracts still run as signed and with no coof lockups the Companies still get paid even as they sit and rot.
If they put any other cunts in there the company now actually has to do maintenance, pay security etc etc and loses profits.
>NT tried making theirs a Boong-camp - they literally shat all over it so bad the NTgov fucked them off back to the long-grass so the boongs werent the companys problem.
They wont lock up Poofterpox plague spreaders because theyd just be Concentration Camps for Poofters and thats nonPC.
Probably use them for Enemy alien Workcamps for WW3 Chinks, like we did at Tatura etc for WW2 Krauts and Spagettis.

There is a difference between a workers union and a labor cartel.

A workers union covers everyone and lifts conditions for the worst off, they are always anti immigration, they generally want a universal minimum wage and oppose the modern award system.

A labor cartel can only cover a fraction of workers, aims to create a two tier system, makes gains against non member workers instead of employers, they support immigration, and dogs like setka run them with bikie muscle.

Australia doesn't have a "union right" any more, they were historically part partly labor but the far left crushed them within the labor party.
They also lost supporters to the libertarian right who are all anti union, in fact the UAP is run by one of he fattest cunts in the country who's only appeal politically is not being the far left.

Wait for a nationalist workers union friend, they are one half of the national socialist revolution.
The other half are regular hippies

This is a fed

>opinion from a literal prison colony that kidnaps kids and let people out of their home for an hour a day

Mathematically we should have reached that point last year.
When covid is endemic everyone will get it, thus mass isolation delays the inevitable and achieves nothing.
Initially the justification was the delay allowed vaccine rollouts, but when the vaccine turned out not to work the only reason we continued was to save the credibility of the "experts".

Cunts cough in my face every week, still havnt caught it- or more likely my chad unvaccinated immune system just crushed it and i never actually got sick

Covid isnt real glownigger

I'd post that picture of a shitcunt calling George Washington a fed, but I'm posting on my phone while I triangulate the nearest 5g tower

Sure. It's already been happening for a long time, since Obama. Since him, Dems have been losing more and more federal, state, and especially local offices, and this stolen election has only pushed this phenomenon harder. And it's about to get a lot worse for Dems. SCOTUS has agreed to hear a case this autumn that will determine whether states can disenfranchise dems even further by returning plenary power of districting to the legislatures, which would not only keep dems contained to very minimal influence through gerrymandering, but will also allow the legislature to apportion its electoral college votes to its districts, as is currently the status quo in Maine and Nebraska. This will mean that an extremely corrupt state full of dems, that still has an R legislature because of all its rural land, will be able to soften the blow of dems always winning its elections by only giving the dem winner of the state EC votes equal to the number of districts. So dems can steal Pennsylvania by niggers dumping ballots in Philadelphia, but instead of getting 17 electoral votes as a result, the dem would only get 6, and Trump or whoever would get the other 11.

The end result of this ruling, if it goes our way, will mean the permanent disenfranchisement of democrats from all levels of government. Their only representation will be safely contained in their shithole cities. And it won't just be a cope to call them "containment zones" anymore, but it will be a legal reality. The saying they love so much that "land doesn't vote" is about to become history.

Paid fags really don't like when this gets brought up, so they just default to "but Republicans are just as bad if not worse". I don't argue with those people anymore because they are never making good faith criticisms of republicans, but will simply move the goalposts infinitely when you have any kind of facts proving that republican outcomes are not the same as democrat outcomes, and are never, ever as bad.

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doesnt absolve you glowfag
kys i hope that 5g tower falls over and crushes you you fucking sodomite

I'm not excusing our crimes I'm just saying you're currently ruled by an illegitimate government and despite having all the guns in the world you're too busy wanking to jamal fucking your missus to do anything about it. Cobba.