Is Climate Change real?

So, I've seen people claim on Twitter that the current European drought is evidence that climate change is 100% real.

But like, didn't climate scientists claim a few years ago that global temperature increase would increase rainfall due to ice caps melting and higher temperatures leading to faster evaporation of sea water?

Also, the 1921/22 was much worse than the current drought, with way lower water levels in all major rivers and basically all agriculture stopped for almost half a decade.

Also didn't Al Gore say that the Arctic Ice wouldn't exist anymore by 2013? Yet it's still basically the same as it was 30, 50, 100 years ago.

tl;dr Red Pill me on climate change, scientific evidence especially welcome.

Attached: Al Greta.jpg (480x640, 64.85K)

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>Yet it's still basically the same as it was 30, 50, 100 years ago.

You could argue that this is a natural process, but if so why does it line up so well with human emissions? Just a coincidence?

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>But like, didn't climate scientists claim a few years ago that global temperature increase would increase rainfall due to ice caps melting and higher temperatures leading to faster evaporation of sea water?
overall precipitation on the planet has increased, doesn't mean certain areas won't turn into deserts in the process you retard.

Only pedophiles believe in climate change

its real but the question is can humans really stop it? probably not but rich conmen keep using argument of stopping global warming to squeeze money out of normies in various “green” “eco” ways.

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>why does it line up so well with human emissions
How do you explain the previous geological and meteorological changes on earth from the ice age to the phenomena that caused the death of the dinosaurs? Human emissions?

You've pretty much got it down.
It's a popular panic designed to bring about change that will inevitably make the rich much, much richer.
Is it real? Who knows? I'm certain we contribute to co2 as much as we contribute to destroying the organisms that process it. Are we causing the world to end? Unlikely. Climate change has happened over and over again without us here. The industrial revolution probably hit the fossil record like a black blanket. Kinda like we're a little, tiny, slow meteor strike in the sediment record. In the end, you're giving up your lifestyle for climate change so that the elites can continue to fly their private jets to and from their mansions on different continents and discuss the next way they'll raise their profits and your prices. The only way out is widespread revolution, slaughter ALL of the ruling class and anyone currently with influence anywhere. Go.

thought that was Trump for a second
RENT FREE i guess?

It doesn't line up with human emmissions?

Human emmissions have existed for almost two centuries now yet we've only seen "climate change" for a decade now if we're being honest

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And what was the timescale of those changes? I can guarantee you that it was far greater than the ~100 years we have been emitting.

>we've only seen "climate change" for a decade now if we're being honest
This simply isn't true.

Attached: GlobalTemp2019GraphLN-superJumbo.png (960x706, 35.93K)

>from the ice age to the phenomena that caused the death of the dinosaurs?
fluctuations in carbon dioxide always correspond with large climatic fluctuations in the past. When those are too fast, such as due to large volcanic eruptions, you end up in a mass extinction that generally happens over millennia. We are now currently emitting CO2 1000x faster than what the entire siberian traps were emitting at the end of the permian and are projected to emit a comparable amout of total CO2 in just 200 years as opposed to the hundreds of thousands that it took to naturally cause the world's largest mass extinction,
So to sum up, we are doing in 2 centuries what happened naturally in hundreds of thousands of years and which pushed all life on the brink of extinction.

Don't worry though, human induced climate change is totally faked by the satanist reptilians

>why does it line up so well with human emissions?
It was on an upswing since the 1500s or so anyway. It may be that our emissions aren't helping, but they may genuinely not be the cause, either. In other eras, the the climate changed dramatically. It has been speculated (as nearly anything dealing with 300 million years ago has to be) That the climate was once much higher in CO2 than we're worrying about now. It began a growth in planet-wide greenery that created the oxygen-rich atmosphere that supported massive animals. They died, and we don't have the same atmosphere they did. What happened to it? Maybe we're responsible to some degree. Maybe all life that becomes too populous necessarily changes their environment until it can no longer support them. I'll ask you; do you believe there are too many people on earth? I don't think the problem is how we live, but that too many of us do.

Even then it wouldn't line up with human emmissions since they've existed way before 1940.

Also, what about that sea level?

>It may be that our emissions aren't helping, but they may genuinely not be the cause, either.
So might as well just keep going to find out, right? Jesus Christ dude, what kind of logic is that.

If you think that we were polluting anywhere near as much as we are now, I don't know what to tell you. Have you not seen India or China??

Do you even bother to try to answer your own questions, or what? What is your strategy here, are you actually trying to learn? Or are you just going to keep "but wait what about"ing?

Attached: ClimateDashboard-global-sea-levels-graph-20220718-1400px.jpg (620x531, 41.75K)

Ur right. The cyclical paterns of our enviroment lasted long before life existed on this planet and will continnue long after

>That the climate was once much higher in CO2 than we're worrying about now.
again, the problem isn't just how much CO2, it's also the rate at which it's being emitted.
We could live perfectly fine in a 800ppm atmosphere if we had a few hundred thousand years to adapt our entire ecosystem to it, not if we do it in 50 years

Have you seen the Ruhr or the Rust Belt or the North of England pre-1990 or so?

What about the graph suggests a cycle? Also, clearly nobody wanted to even read so you all just ignored him, eh?

Did you even read the rest, or did your autism cause you to impulsively type out an angry, seething post, solve the captcha and hit "post" before you got the whole picture?

>you end up in a mass extinction
What's wrong with that

No. Would seeing it somehow make China and India not have been spewing out pollution and CO2 like crazy for the past few decades?

Wipe out India and China's technology, factories, power plants and all cars and engines and return them to the iron age. Problem solved.

Do I believe there are too many people on earth? I'm not sure, I don't know the carrying capacity of earth and I don't make statements that I genuinely don't know the answer to. The rest of your post was armchair conjecture about dinosaurs, what exactly was I supposed to address here?

so you're saying we should annihilate the third world?

Maybe wiping out humanity isn't such a bad idea. It's our fate to destroy ourselves since we don't even defend ourselves against our enslavers.

Okay dipshit you get right on that.

kek. what a load of shit.

Attached: sea_levels.jpg (713x601, 297.41K)

How is this such a difficult concept for so many people to understand? I think they truly don't understand the difference between 100 years and 100,000 years, it's roughly the same to them. It's understandable, but also pathetic.

lol yeah man you can totally measure the sea level IN MILLIMETERS from those two pictures, absolutely. You really can't comprehend scale, can you... wow


Attached: sea-level.jpg (534x442, 32.4K)

>"Must Stop ice melt !!"
>" Why no water in river ??"

Do these climate fucktards realise that river water originates from melting ice/gletsjers ?

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>we've only seen "climate change" for a decade now

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By the way, I have to go, but I'll read any actual arguments that anyone else puts forth if you're willing to at least try and understand that 100 years does not equal 100,000 years. If you can't get that, what do you really have to say?

Climate change is whatever they want it to be... From the aridity of your fields, to the dryness of your wife's vagina.

Again, from those images, how are you going to measure in millimeters the difference? Do you know what time of year they were taken? What time of month? Tides? Come on man, at you even trying, or is everything just a big trolley wolley good time to you?? Peace.

>Taking a photo in winter
>Taking a photo in summer

yes, cunt you can.
I've been going to the same property on the coast for 20 years. The high water mark always hits the same fucking rock. By that retarded little chart it should have dramatically altered the coast line in 20 years, but yet it hasn't.
You fuckers are so full of shit its coming out of your goddamn mouths.

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Can I have source on that?

Yeah, we're fucked, all right. People need to abandon their seaside homes immediately. A foot of water is coming! Since 1880. Three decimeters. What is that in commie numbers? Almost a foot.
Here's the absolute truth.
You don't know, either. I know all I need to know. No matter how strongly I feel about something that's destroying the world, whining online about it isn't the answer, because both sides are loaded with nothing but propaganda, and nothing will change. If caring mattered, Israel would already be destroyed by my will alone.