ITT: people who obviously worked for or with the CIA

ITT: people who obviously worked for or with the CIA

I'll start with Jim Jones, whose entire operation glowed so hard everyone involved with it had to die.

Attached: 1024px-Rev._Jim_Jones,_1977_(cropped)2.jpg (1024x1042, 189.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mark David Chapman got the bullets he used to kill John Lennon from a cop he met at Worldvision, which is a glowop

Attached: lennon-murder.png (982x726, 743.17K)


Attached: He didn't.jpg (640x420, 51.97K)

George HW Bush was head of a CIA front company in Texas, and was a part of the organization long before he was made director of the agency, a move which they said was to get an outsider into the agency and clean it up. What a fucking joke. Then he used his Carlyle Group connections (which the bin ladens are also connected to and is also a glowop) to land his dipshit son Dubya a bunch of bullshit executive jobs that he was terrible at.

We all know Obama's family's ties to the CIA, from his father to his mother to his step father, who literally ran anti-communist death squads for the CIA in Indonesia.

Attached: images.jpg (264x191, 8.83K)

didnt know this until recent

Attached: hwb.jpg (1088x725, 100.29K)

this fag literally interned at the CIA

based hivemind

Attached: 639522505lb00090_turner_upf-98749.jpg (594x395, 16.17K)

Did he kill Kennedy too?
I already knew most of what you said, but HWB killing JFK is something of a mystery (for me)

check this out, Bush was in Texas the morning of the assassination giving false tips to the FBI

Attached: Bush_Sr_tip_on_JFK_1963.jpg (632x761, 96.79K)

So, to answer your question, no he didn't kill personally Kennedy, but was certainly involved in the operation.

I read somewhere that Oswald met Bush senior a week before JFK was shot too

I've never heard that, but what I know for a fact is that the Hinckleys and the Bushes were family friends. All of the facts in this comedy video are 100% true and you can independently verify them yourself RIP Trevor Moore

>So, to answer your question, no he didn't kill personally Kennedy, but was certainly involved in the operation.
You seem to be knowledgeable on this topic. Tell me: Is Dubya actually a moron who can't speak to save his life, or is he actually a genius hiding behind a masquerade of an idiot?
I don't know what to believe anymore.

>Trevor Moore
His works were incredibly funny yet completely terrifying

Yes, he's a fucking retard. He is to Cheney what Reagan was to his dad - a well-meaning. charismatic mongoloid that's easy to manipulate. Prescott Bush built the family wealth by leveraging his connections with the metal industry and the government to award military contracts to his "former" employers, and that's been the family tradition ever since, eventually culminating in orchestrating a terrorist attack so we could go to war. Cheney's relationship with Haliburton echoes the Bush family's connections to the war and oil industry, and he's much more a successor to the Bush family legacy than dummy Dubya was.

jim jones was fake garbage. miles mathis already outed it


This guy has the right facts, but is either too retarded to put it together correctly is a limited hangout / controlled opposition character. These were real events, all connected to MKULTRA.

So in conclusion:
Be nepotistic and win

Yes. That's what the WASPs and jews have been doing this whole time. That's what nobility / royalty is all about. It can only be countered by regular people waking up, coming together and using their collective power to counter the schemers and manipulators.

I'll add that the Catholics were doing that as well, as the Romans before them, and the Greeks before them, and the Egyptians before them. Nepotism and scheming and lying and power seeking sociopathic behavior are all as old as civilization itself, and the internet is the first greatest threat to ruling class's control of the narrative since the printing press, which directly led to the protestant reformation that led to the 80s years war against the Spanish Empire in the Netherlands led by jew-friendly protestant merchants, which directly led to the invasion of England by the Dutch Republic's William of Orange, which led to Dutch economic reforms (public debt, stock exchange) coming over to England. Less than 100 years later, the world's first corporation nation, the United States of America, would be formed by a bunch of rich English merchants and land speculators.

6 million never happened, but it should have

Bravo Vince Gilligan was wiring a mini series about Jim and the massacre, but the project mysteriously disappeared without explanation. PErhaps he dug too far and realised Jim was glowie, did he try to write it in? or did the CIA have his contract / funding pulled or some shit?


He's too focused on BCS perhaps

Here's the deal with the holocaust: it was never meant to be a complete extermination. It was supposed to be your standard colonialist land expansion, using undesirables as forced labor on small plots of shitty land and using all the good land for the German people. Lebensraum was essentially Manifest Destiny. Then they realized they were gonna lose and killed a bunch of them, but nowhere near 6 million.

HE doesn't have a hell of lot involvement in that show though, it' mostly Peter Gould's thing.

I greatly appreciate all of the work you do OP but I already know all of this. Thanks again.
Bravo Vince

If there's one cohesive narrative throughout history, it's that the mainstream narrative is always bullshit.

Check out “God’s Socialist” from the Martyrmade podcast, with Darryl Cooper. Something like 30 hours of material about Jones, the surrounding counterculture, and various radicals in the 1960-70s. Insane shit. I don’t think Jones reported directly to the FBI/CIA all the time, but he definitely got funding here and there. Dude was out of his fucking mind on meth and barbiturates for the last 4-5 years. Fucked everything that moved. Basically another retarded white liberal that claimed to be native while leading stupid blacks to die in the jungle before blowing his brains out.

One of the most eye-opening facts I ever learned was that the New Age, counterculture, hippy movement was spearheaded in large part by an anthropologist with known glowie connections who wrote a paper on Russia's attempts to control its native populations through suppression and through Native Revival movements. Basically, he saw that they had a much easier time of controlling and pacifying these populations if they allowed them to develop a counterculture within a controlled environment, one that could be directed by the directors of the mainstream culture.