We know what will be America and Europe's last attempt to save their asses. I hope Any Forums will protest against this crime

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if you macacoids can't take care of it, someone else will. Once the amazon is gone, it's gone forever since it creates its own rain and you can't just replant trees and have the same effect.

You destroyed all your forests and yet think you can tell us what to do with ours. Fuck off

every brazilian should be made a slave and we use them to plant Brazil full of trees.
Afterwards we shoot them into the Sun as a sacrifice to the Sun God.

them= brazilians not the trees.

Belgium has no world cups

pretty sure your own people deforest it with unsustainable farming practices.

I would like all the amazon protected.

That forest is for macacos and macacos only

Hands off Yankee!

It is OUR forest we do whatever we want with it

>You made mistakes with your forests and now you're trying to warn us not to do the same

yes, in times when we were ignorant of the consequences that it entails and are now actively working towards reversing a grave mistake we made and investing a lot of money into it.
You on the other hand have all the knowledge and despite that threaten an ecosystem far more fundamental for the entire planet than any of those found in europe even before the last ice ages.
If you are unwilling to safeguard it, you should be bombed into compliance, and I hope Biden and the more environmental wing of the democrats take action in that sense. America being world police would unironically be used for the good of humanity for once


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You don't a give a shit to the environment you just want to steal all the gold and other precious things in the Amazon forest. Hands Off

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Gringo in Brazil mean foreigner. They use it for all non-Brazilians.

I don't give a shit about your gold since not a milligram of it will be in my pocket regardless of what happens to the amazon rainforest. I do give a shit about the amazon rainforest since future drugs and medicine will likely derive from unstudied plants in it and might very well save my life when I'm old.

Ah I thought they spoke portuguese there.

>save my life when I'm old.
I thought that all old people die.

They do. Spanish and Portuguese share a lot of words.

>Jair Bolsonaro, wants the international community to pledge billions of dollars to pay for the conservation initiatives.

Oxygen ain't free. The cost to maintain it has been given, pay up or lose it. Brazilian Blood is actually being used to defend it just so your liberal daughters can get a dose of multicultural dick and drugs. She cares not how many children she's destroys in the process, her orgasm is all she cares for.

É isso aí irmão, esses ingleses filhos da puta estão coçando para arrumar briga com o Brasil principalmente se Bolsonaro for reeleito, a imprensa marrom judia aqui não para de falar em desmatamento sendo que eles mesmos não tem um palmo de floresta. A fauna aqui é só rato, raposa e pomba. Ainda bem que metade deles vão morrer esse inverno por falta de aquecimento hahaha

>t. The country that built a suburban sprawl on it's only green area


>You destroyed all your forests and yet think you can tell us what to do with ours.
Not even true for large parts of Europe, and we’re also trying to rejuvenate very large areas. Also, For Europeans we’re talking about many thousands of years. The Amazon hasn’t even been fully charted yet, and already you have destroyed so much. It’s extremely sickening.

Not my country not my problem. Monkeys can do whatever they want to it


You have that white retardation where you think you can boss other countries around and tell them what to do with their property. Fuck off retard.