Any Forums Summer School

take a seat everyone, it's time for this weeks lesson

zoomers and new-fags must report to Any Forums summer school due to being retarded. in order to fix this we're going to be conducting lessons
this weeks lesson is how did the international bankers get control over America and why does everything suck?
please view the lesson below:

once you're done watching the above video answer the following questions, don't worry I'll be making several threads over the week so you won't miss your opportunity to respond

1) True of False, do the Jews run the central banking system?

2) how many US presidents were murdered in order to secure a central / national bank?

3) what was the cause of the war of 1812

4) what was the result of the war of 1812?

5) which president did the most to fight the international central banks?

I will be grading you on a binary scale of either an A or F

Attached: 1638212895396.jpg (1447x2047, 870.53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


thank you
lots of people should have been able to watch the video by now. I now need some tests to grade

>Summer School


Any Forums is 18+ you little faggot

For newfags: if you haven’t lurked in silence for 2 years minimum you need to at least participate in this thread.


Yes the internet is serious business. 18+ barriers stop kids from entering sites and above all else if you’re 18+ you can’t go to school.


Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1920x1080, 180.31K)

they'll still come to see where all the adult hang out, as kids always do
also this is for newfags too

5.Andrew Jackson

you don't even have a blue-pilled understanding of these events. please watch the video

You're right I just typed whatever was on my mind.

still not participating until you give me my tomboy gf

still can't open that link. I assume that's your favorite tomboy?
it seems like you brought your own gf, are you trying to cheat on her?

Bumping. Can you educate all the bots and shills too, my good man? You're doing God's work. Bless you

Gib booba

>still can't open that link.
>I assume that's your favorite tomboy?
>it seems like you brought your own gf, are you trying to cheat on her?
not how that works

Mrs Coomerbait comes in later
until then how about you get started on that video?
pretty sure that's how that works

considering the fact that she's only my gf in my dreams, no, that's not how it works

ask any women. cheating on them even in your dreams counts

i have the perfect pic to respond with but i can't post images. Fucking jannies

I think I've un-wittingly made a bot + shill filter with my threads
the bots can't parse a long video and a shill certainly won't take the time to view it