Behind all of this propaganda, financed by old ussr boomers...

Behind all of this propaganda, financed by old ussr boomers, there is a undisputable fact: Russian zoomers have zero patriotism and they are gay af and took globohomo pill long ago.
As soon as putin die, there will be more faggotry than in LA, mark my words.
Nobody here is taking patriotism seriously. Zoomers laugh at government attempts to make them pioneers 2.0. sure they will do anything to get profits out of it, but they have ZERO loyalty to it. As soon as system snaps, there will be absolutely nobody to stand behind it.

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Where do you think cultural marxism originated? Wasn't LA or the U.S. my fren.

Im 30y.o and massmedia + internet destroy everything.
Only one profit i got from it. I am skinny and cute, lol. And in cause of that i fuck zoomer-girls.
Then i grow nobody in my circle doesnt even know about anime and other shit. But now its so popular so i can go into zoomer-girls company, talk about this shit and take her to my appartment

Anime chads rise up!

Based preddittor

Where are these Russians, I prefer them

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there is already more faggotry than in LA which is easily checkable by hiv rates

Zoomers are the same world wide. Be thankful you're not stock full of niggers and pakis fucking the docile cumrags that are zoomers in every orfice.

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Patriotism is a mind virus that exposes you to complete state control.

Those cutie pies will have their bussies ripped to shreds by their commanding officers once they get conscripted. Esp the last one.

Agreed. Zoomers deserve rope

>russian patriotism
no such thing, vatnigger. Why would anyone feel for such a shithole.

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It’s true. My brother’s russian wife turned into a giant globohomo stereotype. Blue hair, fat, no kids, SJW, and poly with a drawer full of dragon dildos.

Those lads are forty y.o. boomers now, who work at a factory and watch footy after a hard shift

you forgot to turn on your meme flag. Latvia has never achieved anything on their own and no one even knows who you are in this nation. You should have been wiped out for being the ungrateful scum that you are. Even to this day you’re still connected to Soviet era power grids.

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HIV isn't real

Russia has been using a similar strategy as other globalist shitholes in the sense that they prioritized to strip people off their identity and means to create a life of their own. The result is also the same - they don’t care about a society nor government that betrayed them and either live hedonistic lives or opt for a small social circle of likeminded people without regards to the rest.

Sounds like the path of many people I know, maybe that's why I like them. Is there anything like this among Russian zoomers today?

lol when they experience their version of the 90s they will be begging for another patriotic strongman leader.

seems like fun
where do I find this kind of Russian?

I think these are images from early 2010 or 2000's, after 2010 things got a lot gayer

Zoomers in general have no patriotism.

>Is there anything like this among Russian zoomers today?
It depends. Some zoomers are patriotic blue collar type, but even in the factory I work now there are some long-haired hippies.
Most children of white collars are globohomo poisoned faggots with bright dyed hair and tiktok lingo in their speech

slavs are worse than jewish black people

and? one world goverment is inevitably

I didn't forget anything and nobody asked my grandparents if anyone wants vatnigger rape army to come and put up power grids, those ugly commie blocks all over every city and every other god damn thing. Every country west of russia is ugly as fuck now because of commie blocks and ugly stalinist architecture. If there would be a choice, none of that shit would be here.
As for achievements, I do not expect retarded hillbilly to be educated enough to know such facts. Fuck off, antifa faggot.

Maybe stop thinking that every russian is 30 year old gopnik from Perm

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They are all gopniggers white trash, dont get it wrong cuck

Fuck off pidor
It is a bit similar to how it is in the UK, although things are a lot more pozzed, I wish the parties I went to were more similar to how these Russian do theres

Кeк, зyмepы выpocшиe в интepнeтe пocлe 2014 кaк paз в бoльшинcтвe cвoeм зa cвинopeз. Пoлoвинa кoнтингeнтa CBO этo и ecть зyмepы, cвинyх.

> As soon as system snaps,
Дpeмлeт хлoпeц y дopoги, cнятcя хлoпцy пepeмoги.