Imagine being a Bong

“Oy mate you got a license to do those crafts?”

The absolute state of bongland

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The Anglo Decline

Maybe it's scissors they had in their bags, bit weird to take scissors to school if so, we usually just get handed them by the teacher.

If you're doing shit with scissors enough that you need to own scissors, I doubt you're getting much of an education anyway. Should be learning mathematics, english, history, music, a language, and PE at that age.

Shut up faggot

I'd rather a nigger come at me with a pair of scissors than an AR.

Oi ya cheeky cunt it's right here.

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Make me nerd

Neck yourself m8

>doing shit with scissors enough that you need to own scissors

Kill yourself.

Lol bong maffs is hard innit

Is this real?

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Lmao. In South Africa there are retards schools where the kids aren't allowed to have scissors. Bongland is a third world retard school.

Fuckin hell is this a copypasta? Irrelevant. It will be.

Say kill yourself next time, pussy.
In classrooms.
Judging by your 2020 election results, I think counting is harder for you Americans

How do these retards even take themselves seriously enough for photo-ops? Seriously how much do they hate themselves?

Wtf i always had scissors glue and stuff in my bag do you have a scissor crime problem at your schools ?

An AR can be seen from further than a nig can accurately shoot. The nig can be right behind you and you wouldn't know it had scissors until he stabs you.

Allied troops died for the confiscation of scissors from students

great bait mate

You have to understand the criminal mindset of british criminals. Guns are mostly banned to the public, so the only second option for criminals are knives. London is like our new york. The London muggers tool choice is the knife because they can't access pistols. Therefore knives are demonized.

No, those things are just provided by the schools so parents don't bother buying them for their children.

The only thing you need in a bong school is your uniform, and a pencil. (But often there is pencils the school gives you if you didn't bring one, rulers, glue, whatever you're using is provided)

Later in secondary school you need a unform, calculator, and a ruler, that's it really.

wdym bait?

what do you think leaf

The UK is straight up 1984.

Good job citizen, hand in all your pointy objects.

I hope you guys don't have pencils at school. Those are sharp and can stab people. What you should do is once you get your mandatory cock chopping by the kindergarten teacher, use the blood on your fingers to write.

a bladed instrument at close range is as deadly if not more than a gun

I will have you know, that Americans are the only whites that chop their cocks off. It's a jewish slave thing, don't worry about it.

>Ello tea-cha. Lovely day foh sizzaz innit? Hand me dem snip snips right quick ay love.

Oi Nigel ya sodden bah-stad doh make me call thee constabulary you nuaghty boy, you be knowin what append las time I gave yous safe-ity skizzors

People like you are the world's largest problem right now.

And a ranged weapons at long range is deadlier than a knife
What's your point?

they would be dangerous in a school full of nogs and pakis

What's wrong with what I said exactly?

I never said you shouldn't have scissors in your bag, I just find it weird. It was also a voluntary hand it after a talk these kids did to hand in their scissors. If they want to be tricked into disarming themselves, then that is fine.

shouldnt you be checking your cctv cams in case a nog is about to break into your house and burn you to death?

niggers can't aim

"The absolute state of _________"

Insert your own cucked nations here.

Hi Jew!

Hello newfags. I’m going to help you.

Threads like these are designed to sew discord between Very sympathetic and like minded whites men, who want to eliminate jews from ruining earth, and simply have a comfy and well deserved life of no niggers and shitskins and kikes.

We — whitewhite people — don’t flood Chinaa, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran. Literally nowhere.

We love where we live, and your filthy fucking dysgenic vermin come by the boat loads. It’s too much.

I’m afraid, simply due to the vast numbers, that you all will either get caught up with the culling, or get smart and fuck off back to your shitholes and ruin those sewers instead of clogging our pipes with your poo colored and worthless species here in white countries.

nice bait

Why is my honest opinion bait? Explain to me.

A MAN ended up behind bars after being found in a Dunfermline street with an offensive weapon, a potato peeler.

Attached: Potato-Straight-Peeler.jpg (640x476, 26.87K)

Hitler ran away from our scissors army.

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Why spend money on something the state, aka your taxes, gives you for free?

Oy mate you got a loicence for those aquarelles?

I know this is fake but I really, REALLY dislike bongs.

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how do bongs make scrambled eggs?

no. they'd shoot you for a concealed weapon, stop lying

Thus the sun sets over the uk for the last time

Fokin' 'ell

I've not been shot yet and I carry one with me every day, it's only held back by my cotton underwear.

Does everyone except Swedes bring their own stuff to school?
Here the school supplies everything, everyone snapped pencils every single day, threw entire packages of rubbers all over school.
Kept asking why everyone gets to burn through €10 a day worth of school supplies and everyone answered "its so the poor kids can afford to go to school :)".

I helped my 3 year old daughter make some paper dolls last weekend, she even cut them out herself. I had no idea I'd broken the Geneva convention.

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>Hypothetically I could be shot
>Disarm me daddy government
>No i won't entertain other hypotheticals

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Why did you include a nigger?

I hope this is English humor revival and not real post.

Yes it's the same here, or at least it was in my location.

Basically turn up, in school clothing, and everything you need will be taken care of.
If not enough rubbers, you just ask someone nicely to use theirs (often direct this to a girl), they say yes because you smile at them.