Aus/pol/ - white homeland

War with china will:
>piss the chinks off
>piss the kikes/goatfuckers off
>piss the poos off
>allow white Australia to exist again

Refute any of these points if you can.

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At the gym taking it easy. Waiting to cross paths with the Jewess to say hello. What's on, cunts?

Downloading all the Miyaska movies. Watched Spirited Away last night and it was pure soul.

Also I delayed my first atwork appointment again by saying I still have symptoms of covid after cancelling my appointment last week and receiving a $330 crysis payment as a bonus.

Let the chinks occupy multiracial cesspits just to see the aliens suffer. They won't last long.

the threads keep getting worse as the day goes on

I've had enough

Goodbye Frens

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>>allow white Australia to exist again
Bullshit cunt we'd be still worshipping abo cock for the rest of Australia's future if there is any.

>I've had enough
I'm having sort of the opposite problem, I just had a caramel slice and it was fucken awesome, I want another one but there isn't anymore in the house


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We're streaking!!!! We're going up through the quad to the gymnasium! Everybody's doing it.

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Anybody here in the army reserves?

9% alcohol. Nice.

Daily reminder to join your union

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They do fuck all nowadays.

>We're streaking!!!! We're going up through the quad to the gymnasium! Everybody's doing it.
Old School pilled

>Shit post
Shouldn't it say shitpost?
Although I can see why shit post would also be correct for some anons.

Attached: how did he get up there.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

So you sit there like a faggot little incel waiting for a woman who would hate your guts (and probably already does) if she saw you post on a site that literally wants her dead because of her race just so you can say hello? Have sex

Stfu, dog cunt.

Poor horker.

>nobody goes out drinking after 2 years of covid bullshit
oh well

White Australia is gone. Well ,unless the borders are shut and the white locals start to outbreed the internal non white diaspora.But what are the chances of that ?

I won't bullshit you, plenty of unions are pissweak compared to the Good Old Days, but even the shit ones are good at the basic shit like standing up against you getting fired Karen from HR because you looked at her funny. Plus other stuff like making sure you actually get your award/minimum/EBA wage, and breaks, and whatever. And if you want unions to get back to doing more than fuck all, well, won't happen if people don't get involved.

Only exception is the SDA (Shoppies), don't join the shoppies, they just suck.

You have to assume that either a) this doesn't really bother him that much or b) this used to happen much more often and the behaviour is slowly being bred out of the gene pool

What's the etu like as a union?