Holy kino

Holy kino
>93rd Brigade hunting down a Russian tank with a Javelin

Attached: 1642824754220.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

bump for freedom

Attached: kommandos.webm (532x300, 2.8M)


Since literally every Ukrainian kill is fake why don't you go there and fight against globohomo

1 tank down
10,000 to go

I would in a heartbeat but Russia doesn't really need any help

Try 1700

Attached: Russian Su-35 shot down Kherson oblast.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

cool pic, is that from DCS?

Yeah yeah, everything involving Russians losing anything is CGI. Heard it all before. Fortunately any rational person can see it's not DCS regardless of what cope you come up with.

Attached: Ukrainian artillery stopping 5 Russian tanks attempting a flanking maneuver near Bohorodychne.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Anyone have the webm of Russians saying this exact line then running away embarrassed when they're asked to serve?

>1 man operating tank

Internal fire, the rest of the crew was definitely dead

>One guy got out so only one guy was inside
The absolute brain rot of vatniggers. Maybe the other tankers were dead after the missile hit and the drive survived because he was alone in a more forward position. What a crazy concept

how do ukrainians keep finding russian tanks without russian markings?

holy fuck did they just win the war?!!!!

>Why can't I see markings like pic rel (also fake btw) from a camera on a cheap drone hovering 500 in the air.
Are you retarded? Or do vatniks really cope this hard

Attached: 0x0.jpg (1200x563, 152.53K)


I love it
I hope more Russians will die

Attached: when it stinks.png (1316x778, 626.18K)

god that's pretty sad how he sprints away down the road and looks back all recorded in HD by a buzzing fucking faggot mosquito zog jew kike blue pill re**it drone

no honor in it. it's no ww2

it's the new demo vid that the ukraine king will drop on his dark web black market to help with the slow down sales since every mob in eu had already got enough to arm every mobsters

Attached: 1657673286409.jpg (3208x3464, 1.77M)

1 tank

while thousands of soldiers are being lost and ground is being lost on a daily basis

>implying there was any kind of honor during ww2

Cool. English is everywhere. Aircraft going down in balls of flame isn't exactly a common occurence; where do you propose this distinctly Ukrainian looking landscape is if not Ukraine?

Attached: 1653586408427.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

What are the political consequences of Russia getting their shit slapped on a daily basis?

>Try 1700
>Source: my mi6 manager tells me so
You british are the absolute worst shills on Any Forums.

Attached: MISSION_ACCOMPLISHED.png (1054x667, 600.63K)

Nice webms. Got any more?

Attached: 1646471009039.webm (1280x720, 2.29M)

Just ignore any british flagged posts on here.
Any thread related to russia and ukraine is pure bullshit probably from an mi6 poster.
The english now have an army of online propaganda posters. I'm talking THOUSANDS of them.

obvs done in a studio at area-51

I'd like a few of the Ghost of Kiev webms, those were kino.

Attached: mi6.jpg (503x800, 45.07K)

Attached: 1657364026408.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

Attached: 1650068909991.webm (888x500, 2.91M)