There is a literal diagnosed condition for Asians who save up their money to visit Paris expecting it to look like the...

There is a literal diagnosed condition for Asians who save up their money to visit Paris expecting it to look like the set of Amelie, only to arrive and be absolutely horrified at how it is a garbage dump taken over by Arabs and niggers

Attached: analie.jpg (299x168, 6.08K)

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based frogs trolling slants by blackeding their own capital to own the chuds

Have sex.

Attached: transrights.png (765x960, 721.66K)

You're one to talk, I visited Mongolia expecting to see golden hordes and modern day Khans. Instead I just found a bunch of asiatic looking injuns playing with horses.


Why are you posting fitgirl?


fitgirl repack is pretty good

The apparently empty plains actually contain a rich swathe of glittering but invisible metropolises which are only revealed once you master throat singing and horse archery

Well, when you put it that way, ethnically cleansing your own population sounds hilarious.

You expected to see a civilization that fell 800 years ago

Asians are going to Paris expecting to see a civilization that existed 20 years ago

Accept yours, you delusional retard

Yeah, it's called Paris Syndrome. It doesn't just affect Asians, but they seem to be most affected

Is this because you nips are autistic or because you don't understand that diversity is our strength?

>a fucking leaf

oof. How will Parigots recover? Oh right, they don't exist anymore. Kill all the jews.

Little bit of both.

Because Japanese culture is striking different to Parisian culture depicted in books, full of romance and expression and mainly something completely different for someone who feel stifling in their own culture's expectations.
There is another syndrome where people visit Jerusalem and thinking they are Jesus. The Japanese rarely catch it.

I just feel bad for you.

I wish Japanese would try to learn basic English. It would be a lot of fun.
I don't even think about you.

>derr I enjoy waiting 3 hours for a game to install

You visited Mongolia and found Mongoloids? Wow. That's disturbing.

Attached: portrait-of-a-mongolian-girl-near-ulaan-baatar-mongolia-EG6E5K.jpg (866x1390, 167.65K)

here's my real flag btw

i'm sure nobody's more disappointed than the native parisians themselves, but i can certainly commiserate.

most nations busy themselves while downloading shit on their PC

A lot of Japanese know basic English, they simply chose not to interact with foreigners.


most nations also choose better repackers and aren't worried about saving 10gb download data

I hope Hideaki Anno goes there and gets stabbed by niggers, just for the atrocity that was Rebuild of Evangelion.

epic troll

Genghis Khan mausoleum is still pretty impressive

Ok fine, not with you though

Yeah we have something like that. Asia tourists come to London and end up with this peculiar fatal disease, I vaguely recall the doctors calling it a "stabbing".

death by attrition is the worst form of death
Evangelion is perfect: no need for a gay rebuild for low attention zoomers

also, they even set up a whole hospital service for Nips (it's them who fall to that: dirty chinks, vulgar gooks, viet kongs and co are too primitive and disgusting to ever expect or appreciate civilization) victims of paris syndrome
also, all shitties should be walled off until cannibalism and starvation sort them out

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A female that actually makes good games