Do you want to find love in China?

Do you want to find love in China?

Attached: 1659669556043006.webm (576x1024, 1.32M)

That's a very bizarre way to phrase that

How much surgery did that take?

well, is it a yes? be honest

Attached: 1652107182259.webm (360x640, 700.93K)

>Do you want to marry bugs

be sure to bring a mirror

Attached: chinese vampire.jpg (700x1222, 108.67K)

All Chinese people support the CCP's hatred of freedom.

Are asian titty surgeons the best in the world?

Asian surgeons make you feel like you are riding a UFO

We had this thread yesterday.

i don't understand how men can find asian women attractive. their faces just look so fucking weird.

did you answer honestly?

Attached: 1630484987536.webm (576x1024, 1.91M)

>being attracted to this

Attached: lolface.png (953x843, 211.55K)

That is a woman.

Attached: giphy.gif (350x286, 1010.08K)

I wanna mix my race with her if you know what I mean

No, i want to find love in JAPAN.

Attached: Japanese woman.jpg (452x678, 27.73K)

I could emphatically say the same to women regarding black men.

If I was handsome and charismatic enough to fly halfway around the world and poach a cute Asian wife from the People's Republic of China, it'd probably just be a lot easier to find a cute muttina and make lots of little McDonald's goblins without leaving the country

I want to find love in Japan or Korea. Chinks can't be trusted.

why the fuck would I want some soulless gold-digging bug? If I wanted a soulless golddigger that will ruin my life, I would just date a white woman

That's how I feel about most black women and some latinas. But I got no issue with Asian faces

pls no, Japan is the only one option

Attached: 1659765960350744.jpg (1000x1500, 179.06K)

I think their cleaner facial geometry is aesthetically soothing to autists

blessed numbers

Attached: 1659482382770225.webm (614x450, 2.51M)

slow mo ruins it

Someone post those stats showing women find Asian men the least attractive and men find niggers the least.


I like white women only

t chang


This is the best one

I find strutting smugness extremely unattractive in women

wow that pole warped when she walked by! is she some kind of electromagnetic anomaly?

>chin chong ping pong
>hua huei lao bang

Check out those unretouched hands, too.

No. Fuck off China. I hate China including Chinese women and Xi Jinping their falsely elected winny the fucking poo leader. But Japanese women are nice.