What the fuck is a "nuclear document" anyway?

What the fuck is a "nuclear document" anyway?

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nothing burger

who cares

What is a "sudden interception order" and why did a bunch of chinks just run off the uni campus?

Here's the real deal, why aren't we considering the FBI to be WAPO/NYT employees?

It is fucked up that they can break into any house/PC and publish that info to left wing rags, NGOs, judges, and politicians with no penalty whatsoever. We know that it is used to influencs the outcome of courts and opinions.

If I hacked intimate info and posted it on a blog, I would be arrested. If Russians did it, they would be deported. However, the feds can break laws with no punishment, oversight, and transparency whatsoever.

A document with information on nuclear secrets

Typical Maggot

Everyone that's ever opened Wikipedia on their phone or computer technically has nuclear related documents.


The nuclear codes. He literally can’t have them

It's like that time saddam had WMDs.

A document dipped into the cooling tanks

Is this all you fucking losers got so far?

>What the fuck is a "nuclear document" anyway?

It's what's known as a MacGuffin. Picrel

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That's nonsense they made up on the spot to add gravity to the lame national archives excuse that didn't gain any traction. They're fucked and they know it.

Tom Clancy fantasy made by DOJ that doesn't give a shit about frivolous charges because they know nobody will punish them.

Anything written on pic related.

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Keep in that in 2021 US soldiers stationed in Europe involved with US nuclear weapons stockpile inadvertently leaked the number of and location of US nukes in Europe along with patrol schedules, security stations, and code words used by guards at nuke storage locations. The leak happened by way of the US soldiers making flashcards with the information on a website used by kids to make flashcards to learn school material

It has the nuclear code on it which is 00000

Not joking, boomer presidents couldnt remember so they made it 00000, whichnis why whoever has the nuclear football can send the launch order

This guy's not lying

I'm sure a bunch of anons sent Trump crazy shit all the time. It's probably one of the "nukes are fake" guys sent him some stuff and Trump held onto it to check out when he finally has some spare time

>pls Kim gib up nukes
>still bff
It's fucking nothing. If it were fucking something, they'd be waving it all over they ether now. Fuck these creeps.

Don't they change every day or something?

And why are they found on cocktail napkins?

Something they made up to justify the raid.
Simple as.
Had to be important sounding enough to fool the retarded masses while being vague enough so that fact checkers can deflect criticism.

Basically this.
What sounds more important than documents?

Nuclear documents!

It will be a framed document of Trump threatening Kim with nuclear death.

It could be any number of things

Documents relating to classified launch sites or defense systems, encryption techniques, modified procedures for launching, nuclear football information, nuke construction or testing info... like imagine how much information could be damaging should an enemy come to know it.