The Nuclear Football confirms that the US Military views Trump as the real President of the United Sates of America

The Nuclear Football confirms that the US Military views Trump as the real President of the United Sates of America.

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Trump supporters are problematic and aren't even allowed to vote for him.


Your momma

there's still no proof that he even has the nuke codes. everything we're seeing is just pointless speculation

>posting from tel aviv with my us proxy


proof, chud?

>no proof
Trump commissioned the new airforce 1 but it wasn’t going to be finished until 2024 so he had to skip 4 years with a fake presidency. That’s what all this is aboit. The plane.

I'm not even a Trump guy anymore, but I admire how much he triggers the left.
I haven't seen this many kikes, blue haired trannies, SJWs, nigger faggots, and Jidf rabbis in months. Look itt alone. Instantly attacked by thirsty shills.

They're going to make me like him again just by doing that. If only he'd drop the Israeli shit.

Q was real the whole time. You'll remember this post in several years when it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt and confirmed by the military.

Based and checked. That and the reparations billions to niggers shit.
If he gets reelected I hope he legalizes the purge.

I think they want his time machine

Wasn't the US code for "launch all missiles" something like "00000" until the 1980s?

he has the tesla papers

Brilliant. No one would ever guess it.

Come on man.
Also, you basically just painted a target on yourself itt and shills will free fire in your general direction

I have the same code on my luggage!

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Melania is Q
This is why they searched her panty drawer.
Q stands for Queef

Your welcome.

Don’t acknowledge him, he gets paid for every response

Q is real, the posts are not. We are talking something "biblical"

We are the nukes. Thats the secret.

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You sound stupid

Shut up nigger. Contribute or fuck off

This. Give em one of these replies >390727967
Kids today, don't understand til you fuck with their cash.

where are the nukes are fake chads when you need em

He believes nukes are real

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That's some nice cope you have there, user, real nice...

>The Nuclear Football confirms that the US Military views Trump as the real President of the United Sates of America.
lol imagine if trump just had the nuke codes scribbled down on some piece of paper in his dresser drawer.
I mean come on, this whole thing is ridiculous.

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Everyone has the nuclear codes, they're 0000. The Nuclear Force set them to that in protest like 20 years ago to protest the congress forced introduction to the nuclear code system, because it was a pointless addition to their security system.

Nukes are a hoax:

American Nuclear Hoaxers
Allen Dulles - Freemason. Pilgrim Society
Isidor Rabi- Jew
Roosevelt - Freemason
Douglass McCarthur - Freemason
George Marshall - Freemason
George Purdy - Freemason
Julius Schaefer - Freemason
Truman - Freemason
Eugene Wigner - Jew
Emilio G. Segrè - jew
Otto R. Frisch - jew
Victor F. Weisskopf - jew
Einstein - Jew
Melvin Bierman - Jew
Jacob Beser - Jew
James Franck - Jew
Rudolf Pieriels - Jew
Klaus Fuchs - Jew
Joseph Rotblat - Jewl
Stanislaw Ulam - Jew
Chaim Richman - Jew
Bruno Rossi - Jew
Nora Rossi - Jew
George Gamow - Jew
Hans Bethe - Jew
Boris Podolsky - Jew (spy)
George Placzek - Jew
Jay Wechsler - jew
Richard P. Feynman - jew
Robert Serber - jew
Samuel Goudsmit - Jew
Stanley P. Frankel - jew
Isadore Perlman - jew
Alvin M. Weinberg- jew
Abe Spitzer - jew
George Cohen - jew
David Bohm- jew
Phillip Morrison - jew
Frank Oppenheimer - jew
Aaron Novick - jew
Arnold Kramish - jew
Arthur Levy - jew
Maurice Shapiro - Jew (likely freemason)
Paul Olum - jew
Theodore Van Kirk - Freemason
Szilard - Jew
Oppenheimer - Jew
Lise Meitner - Jew
Fritz Reiche - Jew
fritz houtermans - Jew
Victor Weisskopf - Jew
Baruch - Jew

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