Damn. I guess the french are right when they say romania sucks. Life in france is too fucking good

Damn. I guess the french are right when they say romania sucks. Life in france is too fucking good

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Yeah she got raped unconscious in a public toilet completely by accident.

The French literally buy cars from Romanian Dacia. Most popular car in France.

It's so unbelievable I don't even believe it.

>The French literally buy cars from Romanian Dacia.
Dacia is owned by Renault, French.

That’s the reason I will never relax and always be high alert schizo mode when around non whites and whites that have a demonic aura (sorry if you lack a soul and can’t feel the disgust)

France is the most civilized country on earth, according to them

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Where is this country?

I've been i Paris lot of times. It's worse than you think. So bad each weekend mass fighting between nigger groups all over the center. Real parisian living there not more that 20%

purely socio economic factors...

We’ve been trying to civilize blacks for 200 years. When we succeed, we will have proven to the world, without the shadow of a doubt, that ours is the greatest civilization on earth.

She tripped and got raped into a faint.

You have to check it out for yourself, see if your ass is getting raped in Paris.


they were mutt people on vacation
>After giving evidence to the police, she and her partner flew back to the US.
probably lesbians, too.

Oh my god

Source on who raped her?

How do we know it wasn't a white male?

>When we succeed

keep me posted

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I never understood the never relax part. I literally walk like I'm a god among mortals (thay might be because I have long and long beard) and always look people directly in their eyes. From police to shitskins, never had issues.

it already collapse


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nobody likes beating up hobos.

Paris is a shithole though

they think you are a schizo

nigger moat

>How do we know it wasn't a white male?
its in paris

All you did was turn them into some of the most flamboyant, faggy and entitled niggers on earth that even other blacks think are crazy.
Why do you think all the craziest blacks in America are down in Louisiana and surrounding states?
French really have some strange thing going with blacks, maybe it's your insane perverted French Grand Lodge influence. Not a joke.

All you have to do in Europe at this point is just walk straight, look them in the eye, and make sure you have the upper hand.
Also, make sure they are all vaxxed or no gibs, and NLAW your governments and intel ASAP.

Nah, boschetarii aici sunt fie alcoolici germani fie asiatici. Mai sunt niste ciudatei care umbla desculti, dar aia arata inofensivi.

You might be right

>beta answers
>the cope

"oh my gawd im totally leaving the united states this country is fucked" and you see stuff like this and realize how out of touch american women are with reality wake up already you got it good here bitch.

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It’s 100% the beard. Same for me

T. Guy who shaved his face once to see why people were so respectful all the time

there is no such thing as a safe French toilet

Rape cn be beautiful and jasmine scented

I wonder how many real Parisians are one drop rule White European and not some gypsy jew mutt.
Either way, never take any advice from this lol nu/pol/ infested with retarded zoomers and underaged eurofag teenie boppers man.
>mfw I've been taking 14 year olds seriously

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as a French I can tell you that there is nowhere safe in Paris, this town is a shithole and it s the same for every French city. Always be on your guard and don't ask for help from the local, I saw a women getting stolen in front of our security guards in the subways and they did nothing.

Hey don't critisize our dindu accelerator.

How did they get inside the female toilets? Tranny in disguise or was the boyfriend just retardy?

>they did nothing.
I thought Chicago was bad.
The demographic numbers in western europe along with vax rates (which are not enforced enough on the non-European population) is catastrophic. Things are a bit better here, skewed in our favor.
Orban wasn't talking about muh mixed race danger without a reason. Things are not good.
Vax them all now, or suffer only few years down the road.

Nobody expects the stealthy bathroom rapist.

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