Why does the American right-wing hate this country so much? Why don't you just leave?

Why does the American right-wing hate this country so much? Why don't you just leave?


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>"this country" meaning a few elites and a handful of coastal cities
nobody is buying it

>jew being obviously obtuse is obvious

The founding fathers were terrorists, it's our tradition.

The US is occupied by the enemy and ceases to exist, all that remains is a husk hellbent on destroying me in the most humiliating ways possible. For this reason, the Zionist Occupied Government of the former United States must be destroyed, there is no other solution.

Anyone who opposes the government is a domestic terrorist.
Anyone who doesn't oppose the government is retarded.


Because we built this country and that would give you buttsex-loving, historical revisionist liberals what you want.


does this person have israeli citizenship?

This is in response to the FBI branding the Betsy Ross flag "right wing extremist terrorism".

All jews do. That's why they immediately scamper off to Israel to avoid being prosecuted for anything.

Hear hear!

I always find it funny the left cries when their power words lose meaning.

I remember in the mid 2000s an accusation of racism was devastating. People lost jobs for even a hint of it. Now they toss it around like candy and people don't even bat an eye/

only the right to return, just asking
if he got a second passport or not for curiosity sake

Why do young leftists have oatmeal inside their skulls instead of brain tissue?

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>be called "domestic terrorist" ad nauseum for 1.5 years
>accept designation and campaign on it
the left has as much intelligence and charisma as a box of nails

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>people don't even bat an eye
That's not exactly true just yet.

>Handful of coastal cities that contain half the population

So you hate the country

(who?) (who?) osama/talibann
gary webb powell/iraq isis
help us out user

well, at this point i guess you either learn to coexist or you take the violent road as well.

Why are they so disingenuous?


Attached: Democrats&theFlag.jpg (650x347, 87.51K)