Question for my fellow ameribros

If let’s say China actually invaded Taiwan and the USA decides to declare war on China (don’t know how/why, just assume they do), would you enlist and fight? Let’s assume that there’s no draft so it’s all volunteer. Why or why not?
>also post chud memes too.

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I won’t but the reason why they would intervene is because Taiwan produces semiconductors which is needed for many many many technological devices.

>Go die for Israel in a fight against an infinite army of yellow robots

No, because I'm not retarded enough to fight for faggotry like white trash

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>chud lifting fantasies

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Why can’t the government just be more honest with why they’re invading another country? Like cmon when you’re lying about invading the Middle East for “freedom” when it’s obvious it’s for oil, I’m not going to give a shit and will only dislike the government more. But when the government is honest and tells us it’s for oil, I’d be down. Hell what if BP or some other oil company even has their own corporate sponsored unit in the army and offers you bonuses for every oil field you take over? I’d take a bullet for these companies in exchange for money

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The U.S. military betrayed white men in favor of fat minority women and trannies. If you asked me 10 years ago I'd probably say I'd sign up but in 2022 I'd stay as far away as possible.

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That’s a good point actually. If governments were just more honest and open about their intentions I wouldn’t be surprised if more people were willing to support them.

Lately I’ve been thinking about abortion and the pro choice crowd. They have a bunch of arguments for why they should get to have abortions, it’s their body, it’s not life anyway, it’s healthcare, but none of them hold up to scrutiny. The truth is they just want abortions, but they refuse to say that they just want abortions as if that’s not a valid reason to demand something, and I think it’s because part of the jewish leftist dogma is the idea that wanting something isn’t a valid reason to have something and everything needs to be a right not a right.

>year of our Lord 2022
>wars being fought by conscripts
lol in what vatnigger reality are you living in?

>figth under the command of modern politicians
You deserve everything bad that happens to you

Yes. Killing non-whites is a sacred duty for the safety and prosperity of White people. No non-whites should surpass White volks. The Whitepill is we already won. If we lose, we'll loose all the nukes upon all non-whites. A zero sum game where if we White people didn't win, so neither are non-whites.
Whites being rich, prosperous, and happy isn't enough. Non-whites must be poor, miserable, and desperate. And God wills it.

Don't worry, manufacturing returns back to US. We have the resources, human expertise and money. While chinkoids are actually poor with big debt bubble. That's why they're desperate to conquer Taiwan. Also as megalomaniac ambitions frlm ccp to boast their (((communism))). chinx will never win against Taiwan. And if things went south, we could destroy all the semiconductor factories in Taiwan so chinkoids would never get what they are greedy for.

T. Small dicked chinkoid. Go see your women get stolen by BWC

Ok nigger

All non-whites are cannon fodders, these subhumans will be sent to frontline first to exhaust all chink ammunitions, and of course with some liveleak tier chink incompetence. After that, it's time for white troops lead the final solution against chinks. Killing two birds with one stone. Eliminating our kike imported niggers, spics and shooting remaining chinks

Abortion is good only if non-whites did it. As they should. Forget about pro-life, and pro-choice. The only thing that matters is white birthrates.

All of them are kikes. After war ends kikes will get their final solutions, the real holocaust as there would be no more non-white golems that protect them. Hitler wouls be finally avenged.


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I like Taiwan and hate Chang but I also hate Uncle Sam.

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Never gonna happen.
If USA seclares war, China will fuck up all network devices sold to USA. China will stop product exports.
Without internet and consooming, imagine what would happen.