Pssst.. Hey kid...

Pssst.. Hey kid, did you know that Manhattan is surrounded by jewish wire that allows them to leave the house on Fridays?

It would be a real shame if something happened to it

Luckily it's very well protected and maps can't be found on google and on

Please don't tell the goys

Attached: manhattan-eruv.jpg (1275x1650, 236.9K)

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Jews are so schizo they think they can outsmart God

what would a scissorsboi do

It makes perfect sense that jews would try to jew God

>on fridays
What? Do you mean Saturday?

fridays eves to Saturday eve

How is that wire allowed them?

Why not, New York is basically a jewish enclave in the US, they've got their own schools, ambulances and police.

First time I hear about Eruv

>New York jews are so greedy they would rather cheat God than pay a shabbos goy to light their candles

I don't get this sometimes, the orthodox Jews believe in all of these think because "that's what god intended" but always trying to find loopholes like iruv.

>It would be a real shame if something happened to it

no, it wouldn't. they know it doesn't do anything, the fact that it exists proves that they simply don't believe in their own 'religion'.

supposedly they're not allowed outside during the sabbath, so they hung up a wire and just claim that inside the wire is their house, so they get to be outside as long as they're inside the wire. they're not stupid enough to believe that they could fool the omnipotent creator of the universe with such trickery. but everyone else is stupid enough to think that they believe it.

It's vandalized all the time and a 24/7 patrolling rabbi squad repair it

Yeah I read in Wikipedia

but *** never said you can't leave the house on sabbath, they made it up, and trick whoever made it up and not *-*.

holy shit how can you have any respect for these people?

It's illegal to hate them

This is like common knowlege and the wire is cut every day multiple times

they have one of those on long island too

They're not allowed to do any "work" on the sabbath. So they turn their lights on before sunset Friday afternoon because they can't use a light switch. Their elevators are in sabbath mode where they go up and down stopping at every floor because they can't press the button. House fires are common on the sabbath too because they often turn on their stove or hot plate on Friday and leave it on all night since they can't turn it on in the morning. These rules obviously apply only to Jews not rich enough for a shabbos goy. It's seriously silly shit.

its so retarded

which sect(s) follows these observances?

Oy vey, just get a KosherSwitch

Attached: kswitch.jpg (300x400, 11.9K)