Defend this

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>jew yorker

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Defend faggotry. Faggot.

Why defend some fuck lying on Twitter?

trump was a retard US presidents never actually run the country, go protest lobbyists retard

weren't those the generals that lied to the commander in chief about troops left in syria?

>Anonymous sources say Trump said...
lol stopped reading right there.

Nobody believes your "anonymous sources say Trump said a naughty thing" shit anymore.

the generals that let americans die rather than stop their wars for private profit

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>Blue checkmark
the mark of a lying sack of shit, you don't get the checkmark until you've sucked globalist elite dick for a few years, metaphorically and in some cases physically

One Jew quoting another Jew.

Video or it didn't happen. Faggot.

It’s not anything we didn’t already know but I’ll leave this here just in case

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>New Yorker

stopped reading there

early life pls

Its really getting Old how much they Lie so much that death penalty for being deceptive is something i would be totally be chill with, then these fuckers Will Think twice before saying anything. Decades spend doing nothing but lies robbing people of the truth and wasting their time. To death with ‘free speech’ and ‘free media’. Biggest fraud in Human history other than religion. ‘Oh let me be able to Lie all day its good good’.

It was real in my mind

>Woman said Trump said something bad

From the makers of Woman Said Brett Felt My Fat Ugly Body

Baum. Berg. Witz. Stein.
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

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Fake tweet, fake story or a fake judean. As if jew lover trump give a fuck about nazis. Probably wouldnt have a Hill named of him in Israel or have jewish grandkids or tonnes of jewish friends if he was. These liars Will Lie all day untill it means death if they do.

According to whom?

The source is General Milley's book. Milley said it was John Kelly who had to tell Trump that Hitler's generals weren't loyal after Trump said he wanted loyal generals like the ones in Nazi Germany who were loyal to Hitler.

only a small group of german generals tried to kill hitler, majority were loyal to him. so he is not kind of wrong.

maybe hitlers generals like milley
tried to prolong the war while hitler demanded
they remove the troops really makes you think
blue user is pure cancer