We Want to Join the United Kingdom

Attached: NFL, NB, PEI, NS - UNITED KINGDOM.jpg (990x1238, 588.29K)

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>We want a pajeet to be our PM
eternal cucknadian

you better hurry up they need more land to accommodate migrants

Fuck the U.K and the queen and all her family. Fucking scum of the earth and should be bombed by the biggest nuke available.

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kek, this

Trudeau is an honorary gay nigger so it's not much better

ok but you have to kiss my hand first and you have to say you are the best ever and no one is better and then bow

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still better than any bong PM for last decade, imagine your PM is worse than cuckdeau LMAO


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>imagine your PM is worse than cuckdeau LMAO

With that flag you don't have to imagine.

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Liz Truss in pretty much guaranteed to win and whoever is PM of the UK at the moment is irrelevant in the grand scheme end game.

Do you know who the "father of Canadian multiculturism" is?
The Ukrainian Paul Yuzyk

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You're literally more British than Britain. You'd just fuck yourself up into banana republic territory even more.

Where is your diversity ? I thought you were overrun like us?

Liz Truss is a stupidest coalburher whore. Even pajeet is better. Imagine your PM is worse than pajeet who is worse than cuckdeau

>Do you know who the "father of Canadian multiculturism" is?
This is what happens when you allow to hohols anything besides painful death. You will regret the moment when first hohol stepped on your land.

Are Ukrainians Jews?
>Aggressively promote Globohomic Monoculture ("multiculturalism") in their host countries
>Staunch nationalist when it comes to their own nationalist project ("Ukraine" / "Israel")

why leave muticulti shithole to join even more multi and more culti shittierhole ?

leafs are really stupid.

You'll be joining the United something alright.

>We want to join the UK

>Signed Canada.

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I'm not a big fan of Truss, I think she's pretty dumb but she's definitely better than Sunak.
Also a brown PM would do massive nearly irreparable damage to british society/politics in many ways

>This is what happens when you allow to hohols anything besides painful death. You will regret the moment when first hohol stepped on your land.

So you're Russian? You think it's pretty stupid to chose being an american/western client state rather than being part of a country with your own people?
Same thing

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>Maritimes joining the UK
Based NB Chads want nothing to do with the UK.

The Maritimes is the last enclave of old stock Canadians left in the country. It is also where the country was first formed through the signing of the Charlottetown Accord. Had the sheisters not been forced to invite Upper Canadian scum to their meeting, Canada would have been what it was originally intended to be: a Maritime union.


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Sorry Paddy but our founding fathers were very clear on the idea of multiple unions. There can only be one. Canada is in stark violation of our entire concept as a nation. And it must be annexed.

I will. I will cry tears of joy when we finally annex you.

The burger-trapper spread will never cease.