Tucker covering cattle mutilations

About time.


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Skin walker niggers killing my beef jerky

it's the jews


Cattle mutilations? Is he seriously this determined to jump the shark?

Amber Heard may be involved

Seriously though?
My bet is on a ritualistic group

Thats a man

The logistics are too extreme for this to be humans and too precise for predators

>cow dies
>other animals start eating it

Attached: 1640890503896.jpg (750x841, 67.94K)

So what then? Fuckin aliens?

The owner did it to collect insurance.

You have to consider it, I can’t think of anything more rational that fits the evidence

They find these cows without strangulation, bullets, etc., and they will have incredibly precise removal of internal and external organs, done like a surgeon. Many of These happen in places where it would be very hard to get to with a vehicle, nit to mention operating on a 2500 lb animal at night.

nobody knows, weird shit.
Used to be some guy on /pol that posted research on it from the library of congress or something like that.

And no one has ever been arrested after literally 10s of thousands of cases. FBI looked into it decades ago and came up with a goose egg.

I bet it was space lizards


>fits the evidence
That's what fucks me up, it does fit. What about crop circles? You boys have much of that in the colonies? That's another one, designs so intricate and done in such a short space of time, traces of radiation too.

Not true. Human capabilities are consistently underrepresented in order to keep the populace weak and afraid. Very easily they could have cutten it off using some technology you've never been shown before but it doesn't mean ayys did it.

Imagine if you will a world where a dozen engineers in a second rate American city didn't go to the patent office for 30 years because they didn't want this technology stolen from them. Now assume it's happening significantly more often than that.

Or you know... The FBI are the ones doing it with technology that wasn't taken to the patent office in order to stoke the exact kind of fear and speculation in the population they would achieve by putting it on Tucker Carlson.

>"We have investigated ourselves and found that we are guilty of no wrong doing in can't explain what happened."

the best doc on this is on bitchute, look up a strange harvest, even if its a psyop, it will make you believe in aliens

it's just canaanites

Its Barn Jews .. Do you guys remember that one Russian guys video of the barn Jews?


>interesting mystery
>schizos shit up the discourse with 'muh dimensional demon aliums'

many such cases

Positing a technology so advanced and then they’d use it on cattle mutilation? When it would no doubt have other uses worth a lot? Less likely than aliens.

>the world isn't bleak and scary enough the feds need to take out cows with secret technology to achieve this.