Noone should have more than 1 billion dollarinos

Noone should have more than 1 billion dollarinos

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Noone should exist.

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Jannitors having zero, none,

You mean to say they work for free?

People allocate capital efficiently simple as

Also government has trillions upon trillions

To be fair they barely do any work.

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* rubs hands *

nobody actually does. you are gay

no CEO should make more than 10x his lowest paid wagie

if anyone even tries to argue with my previois post go fuck yourself

We should just have a Fascist state that tells rich people what to do. Simple as. No net worth cap needed.

On a long enough time scale, capitalism leads to one person having all the dollars

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All should earn the same per hour, cmv.

What about more than 1 billion Zimbabwean dollars?
Get a better measure of wealth, retard.

>I suck government cock

Unirincally agree. Any additional profits should be heavily taxed by the government for the betterment of society. And her people's. Not foreign aid, fuck that shit.

Fuck you

get a job you useless fuck

She better start growing a dick if she wants a peacefull society.

But we already live in a tranny society...