And even though we ain’t got money

I’m so in love with you honey
And everything will bring a chain of love.
And in the morning, when I rise,
You bring a tear of joy to my eyes
And tell me everything is gonna be alright.
Never let (((anyone))) or anything stop you from having a family, and especially children. There will never be a perfect time and you will never feel ready. You just have to go for it.

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>Instantly put it on the internet
Bright future for this kid, bet he already has a shadow profile on Facebook, hell open one and there they'll be, all his baby photos

You're a gigantic faggot,but it's cute! i too plan to cum into my girlfriends vagina soon and create some white boys

He's got a well proportioned face, congratulations. When they're under 5 and the most reliant is the best time so make the most of it.

I don’t have social media
Checked hell yeah do it user!!

Thank you and I plan on cherishing every second and having more than one to extend the experience as long as possible.

Bros I just found out I’m having a son, wife’s 16 weeks. Give me your biggest white pill and/or fatherly wisdom. We’re in our early 20s

Start figuring out how to get into a house now. Having to move regularly with kids is a gigantic pain in the ass.

Congrats user, next few months are very challenging. Put the work in to have little moments of joy with your partner because you two need to take care of each other for baby... it doesn't need to be a thankless job.

Get as many odd jobs around the house done now as you can. Also DYI good permanent baby gates, cheap pieces of shit will make you hate your life and you're going to be constantly opening and closing them

dont get your son circumcised
don't let them forcibly retract his foreskin
dont let them clamp your sons umbilical cord prematurely
don't let them sever the placenta prematurely
don't get your son hep b vaccinated (or polio vaccinated, or tdap vaccinated, etc), creates lifelong autoimmune problems
dont let them prick his foot for blood (god knows what the fuck they do this for)
dont let them put antibiotic ointment in his eyes (only necessary if wifey has gonnorhea)

clear this stuff with the hospital ahead of time, get it on your chart, meet your would be birthing doctor ahead of time, and dont be surprised if you get pushback from hospital staff who will likely insist ripping off baby dick skin from a screaming infant is a normal healthy procedure

if people bitch about the lack of vaccines, ask them if they discriminate against orthodox jews, who refuse to vaccinate their kids

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addendum: vitamin K shots are unnecessary and only commonplace because theyre basically necessary for babies that are circumcised, done to prevent babies from bleeding out

talk to your doc about vit k oral supplements, its what the japanese do. they don't inject vit k. also im pretty sure they do delayed vaccine schedules as well

When that baby lands on her chest you’ll become a completely different person. The love you feel for your child is transformative, user. Your child is your hill to die on. I’m so excited for you.

Congrats bro

Thank you and will do I already set up a room for my wife to take breaks and decompress in while I watch the baby.
All of this is great advice
Thank you

My wife is antivax and her OB doesn’t allow circumcising until 1 week old thankfully
Still a rentoid but have been saving as much as possible to buy a house, won’t be until after they’re born

>My wife is antivax and her OB doesn’t allow circumcising until 1 week old thankfully
thats what jews do, regardless you can likely expect to get asked about circumcision at pediatrician visits, and some pediatricians will attempt foreskin retraction without asking

Good job user
I did the same 6 weeks ago, it's a proud moment

pic related

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Good to know, my wife will kill anyone that tries to do that to them

I just had a son recently and the worst part is my wife’s family members have probably already put him everywhere without me realizing it. Since I don’t have any social media, I never considered this. These kike institutions really have us in a web of hell.

Aww congrats user!!